

上财期刊社 外国经济与管理 2022-06-09

《外国经济与管理》 2022年44卷第3期 页码:136 - 152  online:2022年3月15日


What Kind of Top Management Teams Can Conduct Business Model Innovation?

作者(中):韩炜, 高宇

作者(英):Han Wei, Gao Yu

作者单位:1.西南政法大学 商学院,重庆 401120

摘要:高管团队作为企业商业模式的设计者,其所拥有的经验与知识是商业模式形成与确立的重要输入,因而越来越被认为是影响商业模式创新的关键诱因。基于烙印理论,本文认为新创企业高管团队在创业相关行业积累的先前经验具有内在一致性时,有助于增强高管团队识别与执行新颖型商业模式创新的意愿与能力。文章利用中国创业企业成长动态跟踪数据(CPSED Ⅱ)进行实证分析,结果表明:行业经验一致性水平较高的高管团队更能够做出新颖的商业模式创新。进一步地,当高管团队中CEO与其他成员年龄差距较大时,会阻碍高管团队创业行业经验驱动商业模式创新。当新创企业身处竞争激烈的市场环境时,由年轻CEO所带领高管团队基于行业经验设计形成的商业模式新颖性水平较高。这一研究有助于贡献商业模式创新的前因研究,并揭示“高管团队—商业模式创新”的理论边界。

关键词:商业模式创新; 行业经验; 烙印理论; 市场竞争强度; CEO-TMT年龄差

Summary: Based on the imprinting theory, this paper discusses the relationship between top management teams (TMTs) with industrial experience and business model innovation (BMI). Furthermore, the age dissimilarity between CEOs and other TMT members (CEO-TMT) is introduced as the internal environmental factor, and market competition intensity as the external environmental factor, to explore the theoretical boundary of “TMT-BMI” linkage. Applying the Chinese Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Development (CPSED Ⅱ) database, this paper finally obtains 723 samples in IT sectors from 2013 to 2016, while the hierarchy regression analysis is adopted to generate empirical results.The main conclusions are as follows: Firstly, TMTs with abundant industrial experience are more likely to conduct BMI. It suggests that cognitive and ability imprinting in industrial experience will affect TMTs to innovate business model. Secondly, when CEO-TMT age dissimilarity is large, the positive effect between TMTs with industrial experience and BMI is suppressed. It means that the CEO-TMT at different ages with different industrial experience is not conductive to reach a consensus on business opportunity identification. Thirdly, when new ventures are located in the competitive environment, the business model novelty brought about by TMTs which are led by younger CEOs is increased. It further explores the mechanism on how TMTs with industrial experience affect BMI in both the internal and external context.This paper contributes to the existing literature in the following aspects: Firstly, most previous studies focus on BMI intensity to explore the relevant factors, while this paper pays more attention to the novelty-centered business model design, which reveals the scientific laws of business model content attribute formation. Secondly, previous studies put more emphasis on individual factors, while this paper explores how TMTs with industrial experience affect BMI, which contributes to expand the theoretical explanation of what kind of TMT can conduct BMI. Thirdly, previous studies focus on the direct effect on the “TMT-BMI” linkage, while this paper identifies the uniqueness of “TMT-BMI” linkage in the external and internal context, which provides new theoretical perspectives for deepening the research on the “TMT-BMI” linkage.

Key words: business model innovation; industrial experience; imprinting theory; market competition intensity; CEO-TMT age dissimilarity





