

《China Economic Review》专辑征稿

Agriculture cluster, trade and supply chain resilience and food security in China



《China Economic Review》(简称CER)是在1989年由留美经济学会创办的会刊,经过34年的努力,CER已经成为研究中国经济的权威英文期刊,2023年影响因子达到6.8

Compounding the long-term challenges facing the global food security, the COVID-19 pandemic, extreme weather change, trade relationship between China and US, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine crisis has intensified food insecurity and malnutrition in both China and many parts of the world. Over the past 40 years, Chinese food and agricultural sector has become increasingly connected to the rest of the world through trade and investment. However, China's food security also faces challenges such as high foreign dependency and unstable supply chain due to varying trade restrictions by both domestic and international distorted policies. To secure food security, China needs to stabilize the supply chain resilience by means of expanding importing sources and building agriculture clusters. Therefore, repositioning food security fromthe aspect of supply chain resilience and agriculture cluster has become a vital issue in China. We hence propose the interest to launch a special issue on agriculture cluster, food/agriculture trade policy changes, supply chain resilience and food security in China.

China Economic Review, in collaboration with the Academy of Global Food Economics and Policy (AGFEP), a university-level research institute supported by the China Agricultural University, which is a leading center for academic and policy research on important economics and policy issues related to Chinese and global food and nutrition security plans to publish a special issue on “Agriculture cluster, supply chain resilience and food security in China ”. The organizers and guest editors welcome submission of theoretical and empirical papers in all fields of agriculture cluster, food/agriculture trade policy changes, supply chain resilience and food security in China.


樊胜根教授Professor Shenggen Fan,  
China Agricultural University,

林发勤教授Professor Faqin Lin,    
China Agricultural University,
Email: linfaqin@cau.edu.cn 


Chinese Economic Review, in collaboration with the Academy of Global Food Economics and Policy (AGFEP), a university-level research institute supported by the China Agricultural University, which is a leading center for academic and policy research on important economics and policy issues related to Chinese and global food and nutrition security plans to publish a special issue on “Agriculture cluster, supply chain resilience and food security in China”. The organizers and guest editors welcome submission of theoretical and empirical papers in all fields of agriculture cluster, food/agriculture trade policy changes, supply chain resilience and food security in China.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Agriculture cluster features in China(中国农业产业集群的特征)

  • Investigating factors affecting agriculture cluster in China(中国农业产业集群的因素分析)

  • Agriculture cluster and supply chain resilience/food security in China (农业产业集群和供应链韧性以及中国粮食安全)

  • Agriculture and food trade policy changes and impact in China and the world (农业和食物贸易政策变化以及对于中国和世界的影响)

  • FDI in agriculture and food sector and food security (农业和食物领域外资政策变化和中国粮食安全)

  • Supply chain and global value chain in agriculture and food sector (农业和食物领域的供应链和全球价值链)

  • Governance and food security in China and the world(中国和全球的农业治理和粮食安全)


The Journal’s submission system is open for submissions to our Special Issue. When submitting your manuscript please select the article type “VSI: Agriculture cluster, trade and supply chain resilience”. Please submit your manuscript before 30th November 2024


30th November 2024

agriculture cluster, agriculture trade, supply chain resilience, food security, China


