
理论与方法专栏 | 历时句法

理论与方法专栏 理论语言学五道口站 2022-06-09


《理论语言学五道口站》(2021年第18期,总第152期)理论与方法专栏为大家推荐英国剑桥大学语言学教授Ian Roberts撰写的著作:Diachronic Syntax(《历时句法》(第二版))。该书将于2021年在Oxford University Press出版。


Diachronic Syntax





This second edition of Ian Roberts's highly successful textbook on diachronic syntax has been fully revised and updated throughout to take account of the multiple developments in the field in the last decade. The book provides a detailed account of how standard questions in historical linguistics - including word order change, grammaticalization, and reanalysis - can be explored in terms of current minimalist theory and Universal Grammar. This new edition offers expanded coverage of a range of topics, including null subjects, the Final-over-Final Condition, the diachrony of wh-movement, the Tolerance Principle, and creoles and creolization, and explores further advances in the theory of parametric variation. Each chapter includes suggestions for further reading, and the book concludes with a comprehensive glossary of key terms. Written by one of the leading scholars in the field, the volume will remain an ideal textbook for students of historical linguistics and a valuable reference for researchers and students in related areas such as syntax, comparative linguistics, language contact, and language acquisition.


-Ian Roberts -


伊恩·罗伯茨(Ian Roberts),剑桥大学语言学教授,曾在日内瓦、班戈和斯图加特大学任职。其主要研究领域为普遍语法框架下的比较和历史句法研究,尤其关注日耳曼语、罗曼语和凯尔特语。已出版著作包括《一致关系与核心移位》(MIT出版社,2010年)、《语言的奇迹》(OUP,2017年)、《参数层次与普遍语法》(OUP,2019年;平装本2021年),并参与编辑《牛津普遍语法手册》(OUP 2016;平装本2018年)。

Ian Roberts is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Cambridge, having previously held positions in Geneva, Bangor, and Stuttgart. He has worked extensively on comparative and historical syntax within the framework of Universal Grammar, with a particular focus on the Germanic, Romance, and Celtic languages. His many books include Agreement and Head Movement (MIT Press 2010), The Wonders of Language (OUP 2017) and Parameter Hierarchies and Universal Grammar (OUP 2019; paperback 2021). He is the editor of The Oxford Handbook of Universal Grammar (OUP 2016; paperback 2018).




Review from previous edition, this work gathers together a wealth of research linking language change to a number of other linguistic areas, and as such is ambitious in its scope. It is a welcome addition to the body of literature on language change.

- Johanna L. Wood, 

Folia Linguistica



Diachronic Syntax will serve as an incentive and inspiration for generative researchers of historical linguistics.

- Marion Elenbass


Reuland & Sundaresan | Binding(约束

人物专栏 | Andrea Moro 教授访谈(下)

期刊分享 | 《澳门语言学期刊》总第56期

理论与方法专栏 |牛津事件结构手册

The Minimalist Program in 2021


编辑:王秋梅 王平

排版:王秋梅 王平

审校:王丽媛 李芳芳

