
Eric Reuland & Sandhya Sundaresan | Binding(约束)

2021年第17期 理论语言学五道口站 2022-06-09


《理论语言学五道口站》(2021年第17期,总第151期)继续与大家分享“Linguistics Flash-Mobs”系列线上会议。本次会议时间为2020年12月3日,辩论双方为荷兰乌得勒支大学Eric Reuland教授德国哥廷根大学Sandhya Sundaresan研究员。两位参会者就“Binding (约束)”一题展开讨论,由意大利威尼斯大学Alessandra Giorgi教授担任主持。

注:本次分享已由主办者法兰克福大学和帕多瓦大学双聘语言学教授Cecilia Poletto及其团队、主要参会者Eric Reuland教授Sandhya Sundaresan研究员授权转载。


About the speaker


Eric Reuland

Eric Reuland,荷兰乌得勒支大学语言学教授,研究兴趣为语言认知系统的本质及语言认知和语言使用的相互作用。他的研究视角基于语言普遍性的来源、语言“先天”与“后天”的关系以及语言进化,特别是语言由哪些属性构成,以及这些属性可能产生于何种进化的问题。

Eric Reuland is a professor of linguistics at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. His general research interest is the nature and the interaction of the cognitive systems underlying language and its use. One perspective on this is provided by the question of what is the source of universals in language. A more general perspective is the tension between ‘nature’ and ‘culture’ in language. A third perspective is provided by the evolution of language, especially the question of which properties are constitutive of language, and by what kind of evolutionary event they could have arisen.

Sandhya Sundaresan

Sandhya Sundaresan,德国哥廷根大学语言学家,她参与了LASER: “Locality and the argument/adjunct distinction: Structure building vs. structure-enrichment” 项目的研究。研究主要关注两个问题:在一个语法模块里,对于特定的语法现象来说,句法与形态语义接口之间的相互作用及分工的本质是什么?针对特定语言现象,方言变体和跨语言变体该如何进行句法分析?

Sandhya Sundaresan is a linguist. She is a researcher at the University of Göttingen in Germany on the project LASER: “Locality and the argument/adjunct distinction: Structure building vs. structure-enrichment.” Her research program explores two broad questions: For a given grammatical phenomenon, what is the nature of interaction and division of labor between syntax and its interfaces with morphology and semantics, within a modular grammar? What can dialectal and crosslinguistic variation tell us about how a given phenomenon should be syntactixcally modelled?

Alessandra Giorgi

Alessandra Giorgi,意大利威尼斯大学语言学教授。研究兴趣为句法学,亚美尼亚语句法,句法语义接口,句法语用接口及手势语。

Alessandra Giorgi is a professor of linguistics at CaFoscari University of Venice, Italy. Her interests are: syntax, Armenian syntax, syntax-semantics interface, syntax-pragmatics interface and gestures.








A.What is your definition of anaphor?

B.What are the locality conditions on different types of anaphors?

C.Are grammatical and morphological features relevant in the distribution of anaphors?


Linguistics Flash-Mobs


在当前的特殊时期下,我们特推出“Linguistics Flash-Mobs” 系列视频会议,以期保持语言学社区的紧密联系。接下来的每场会议中,两位著名学者将使用不同的框架对学界长期存在的理论问题进行一场场妙趣横生的“论战”!

此次线上活动由Cecilia Poletto主办,C. Gianollo, A. Giorgi, C. Guardiano, M. T. Guasti, M. R. Manzini, E. Pagliarini, E. Sanfelici, A. Tomaselli协办。

"Linguistics Flash - Mobs" is a series of video conferences thought to be a way to keep the linguistic community connected during this troublesome period. In each conference, two seminal scholars will face long-standing theoretical issues making use of different frameworks: fun is guaranteed with these "sword fights"!

This project has been thought and organised by Cecilia Poletto, with the help of C. Gianollo, A. Giorgi, C. Guardiano, M. T. Guasti, M. R. Manzini, E. Pagliarini, E. Sanfelici, A. Tomaselli.


人物专栏 | Andrea Moro 教授访谈(下)

期刊分享 | 《澳门语言学期刊》总第56期

理论与方法专栏 |牛津事件结构手册

乔姆斯基 | The Minimalist Program in 2021

Pavel Caha & Eulàlia Bonet | Morphology


编辑:高洁 陈金玉

排版:高洁 陈金玉

审校:李芳芳 王丽媛

