
免费讲座 | Kay O'Halloran:大数据分析的多模态方法

Photo by Franki Chamaki | @franki on Unsplash


#Info of the talk #


题目:A Multimodal Approach to Big Data Analytics

主讲人:Prof. Kay O'Halloran, University of Liverpool, UK

时间: 2021年6月4日(周五晚7点)




# Abstract #


In this presentation, I discuss recent moves towards multimodal approaches to big data analytics, which involve empirically testing and validating multimodal theory and frameworks through the analysis of large data sets. 

As a step in this direction, I introduce the Multimodal Analysis Platform (MAP) which is capable of searching, storing and analysing news and social media at scale (O'Halloran, Pal and Jin 2021). Facilities in MAP are used to integrate critical attributes from multiple modalities (e.g. language, visual images, and metadata) with the aim of capturing patterns and trends across digital platforms. MAP is being used to understand citizens' decision making about Covid-19 testing and vaccination in the Liverpool City Region in the United Kingdom. I will report on preliminary findings from this study which demonstrate that understanding of effective public health messaging and public attitudes are required to optimise Covid-19 testing and vaccination.

The study also reveals the necessity of using a multimodal theoretical framework to integrate the various computational tools into a robust methodological approach for investigating content and information in online media. This meeting of theory and technology will remain a critical research agenda for the foreseeable future.


O'Halloran, K. L., Pal, G., & Jin, M. (2021). Multimodal approach to analysing big social and news media data. Discourse, Context & Media, 40, doi.org/10.1016/j.dcm.2021.100467


# Bionote #


Professor Kay O'Halloran is Chair Professor and Head of Department of Communication and Media in the School of the Arts at the University of Liverpool and Visiting Distinguished Professor at the Martin Centre for Appliable Linguistics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China. Prior to this she worked at Curtin University, Western Australia (2013–2019), and the National University of Singapore (1998–2013) where she was a member of the Department of the English Language & Literature, and Director of the Multimodal Analysis Lab in the Interactive & Digital Media Institute. 

Kay is an internationally recognized academic in the field of multimodal analysis, involving the study of the interaction of language with other resources in texts, interactions and events. A key focus of her work is the development of digital tools and techniques for multimodal analysis. Kay is currently working with research teams at the University of Liverpool to develop multimodal mixed methods approaches for big data analytics.

The Multimodality Talks Series is organised by the University of Leeds Multimodality@Leeds, The UCL Visual and Multimodal Research Forum, and Insulander/Svärdemo Åberg at the Department of Education, Stockholm University. It is conceived of working as a tandem with the Bremen-Groningen Online Workshops on Multimodality to make the best of the online format to offer multiple chances for sharing research and stimulating discussions on multimodality worldwide. 

See the full Multimodality Talk Series programme here:



Cover photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash


  1. 专栏丨《浙江外国语学院学报》老龄化与老年人语用交际研究

  2. 观点丨周德宇等:老年语言学研究的时间维度:毕生发展与生命历程

  3. 观点丨蔡晨:老年人在家庭代际冲突中的交际策略研究:基于人际关系管理理论

  4. 观点丨郭亚东:阿尔茨海默症患者话语研究——从认知障碍到人际语用

  5. 老龄社会与老年语言学:《语言战略研究》专题研究栏目

  6. 老年语言学 | 老年语言学研究的语用维度:视角、方法与议题

  7. 老年语言学 | 阿尔茨海默症患者话语的非名词性资源蚀失

  8. 老年语言学 | 日本老年护理沟通研究之文献综述

  9. 老年语言学 | 什么是Elderspeak?

  10. 老龄化社会呼唤老年语言学的出场

  11. 《语言战略研究》| 侯柏村,罗昊,王刚石:中国老年学和老年医学的现状与思考

  12. 《语言战略研究》| 顾曰国:老年语言学发端

  13. 《语言战略研究》| 黄立鹤  王晶  李云霞:阿尔茨海默病言语障碍表现及相关神经心理学量表编制问题

  14. 分享 |《东亚语用学》:痴呆症老年人话语语用研究

  15. 观点 | 老年人口语 “呃”类填塞语研究

  16. 观点 | 老年人认知退化或与听力损伤有关

  17. 观点 | 老年人健康信息搜寻行为的现象学研究

  18. 观点 | 信息化时代的“老年孤独”

  19. 观点 | 赫琳等:我国老年人语言能力问题及语言服务路径研究

  20. 观点丨老年人数字鸿沟问题亟待解决

  21. 观点丨何谓老年:从“居室适老化改造”谈起

  22. 观点丨迟暮之年的人脑及语言(王士元著 王筱瑒 冯韵译)

  23. 观点丨人口老龄、老年学与老年语言学

  24. 观点丨基于叙事医学理论的老病死叙事话语探析

  25. 观点丨蒋燕、顾曰国:老人上当受骗案:调查、语用和决策推理分析

  26. 观点丨言语幽默的认知老化及其神经基础

  27. 观点 | 马东什么?什么冬梅?瞬时性遗忘究竟咋回事?

  28. 构建中国特色适老语言服务与产品供给体系

  29. 视点 |《忘不了餐厅(第二季)》:同济老龄中心约您见证宝藏老人温暖回归

  30. 重磅!国家卫健委发布《探索老年痴呆防治特色服务工作方案》

  31. 消息 | 上海已在这些街道启动“适老化改造”

  32. 专访 | 上海电视台、上海教育电视台报道同济大学老龄语言与看护研究中心

  33. 征稿丨《老年语言学研究新进展》(2021)

  34. 招募丨“语言认知改善计划”长者参与招募公告

  35. 正式出版!顾曰国 黄立鹤:《老年语言学与多模态研究》

  36. 合作丨同济大学老龄语言与看护研究中心参与上海四平路街道认知障碍友好社区建设

  37. 一图读懂《关于建立完善老年健康服务体系的指导意见》

  38. 我们需要你!同济拾忆团队开展老年人语言认知健康社会实践并招募志愿者

  39. “拾忆”公益服务团队会员大会暨老年语言学培训会举行

  40. 同济大学与四平路街道共建的上海市老年认知障碍友好社区建设项目启动

  41. 上海市语言文字会议召开:加强针对视听障碍、老年人口等人群的语言服务

  42. 会讯丨上海交通大学 “语言与健康”  系列讲座——言语沟通科学与障碍圆桌会议

  43. 人民城市人民建丨青年志愿者进社区“老龄语言认知服务”专项招募!

  44. 老龄社会十大议题(2021)重磅发布

  45. 关爱同济长者丨老年语言认知健康科普讲座举行

  46. 《中国阿尔茨海默病患者诊疗现状调研报告》全文发布!

  47. 卓越 · 青春 | “拾忆”团队获评同济大学外国语学院“五·四”优秀集体

  48. 会议综述 | 同济大学特殊人群言语研究团队近期集中汇报工作成果

  49. 同济大学外国语学院与平安科技合作项目研讨会举行

  50. 会讯 | 第九届全国认知神经语言学大会(三号通知)

  51. 讲座 | 顾曰国:走近人工智能之父:图灵、图灵机与图灵测试

