
人教版英语七年级下册Unit 7朗读+微课精讲+知识点习题


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Unit 7 It’ s raining!




Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?微课精讲+知识点习题Unit 2 What time do you go to school?微课精讲+知识点习Unit 3 How do you get to school? 微课精讲+知识点习题Unit 4《Don’t eat in class》微课精讲+知识点习题
Unit 5《Why do you like pandas?》微课精讲+知识点习题
Unit 6《 I’m watching TV》朗读+微课精讲+知识点习题











_Unit 7 单词 (音标)

rain [reɪn] n.雨;雨水v.下雨;(雨点般)落下

windy ['wɪndi] adj.有风的;多风的

cloudy ['klaʊdi] adj.多云的;阴天的

sunny ['sʌni] adj.阳光充足的;睛朗的

snow [snəʊ] n.雪

weather ['weðə(r)] n.天气

cook [kʊk] v.烹调;烧煮

bad [bæd] adj.坏的;不好的;差的

park [pɑːk] n.公园

message ['mesɪdʒ] n.消息;信息

him [hɪm] pron.他(he的宾格)

could [kəd aux.可以;能;可能;can的过去式

back [bæk] n.后面adj.向后的;后面的

problem ['prɒbləm] n.问题;难题

again [ə'ɡen] adv.再;又

dry [draɪ] adj.干的;干燥的

cold [kəʊld] adj.冷的;寒冷的

hot [hɒt] adj.热的;辣的

warm [wɔːm] adj.温暖的;暖和的

visit ['vɪzɪt] v.拜访;参观

Canada ['kænədə] n.加拿大

summer ['sʌmə(r)] n.夏天;夏季

sit [sɪt] v.坐

juice [dʒuːs] n.果汁

soon [suːn] adv.不久;很快

vacation [və\'keɪʃn] n.假期;休假

hard [hɑːd] adj.硬的;困难的

Europe ['jʊərəp] n.欧洲;欧盟

mountain ['maʊntən] n..山;山脉;高山

country ['kʌntri] n.国家;乡村

skate [skeɪt] v.溜冰;滑冰

snowy ['snəʊi] adj.多雪的

winter ['wɪntə(r)] n.冬季;冬天

Russian ['rʌʃn] adj.俄国的;俄国人的;俄语的

snowman ['snəʊmæn] n.雪人

rainy ['reɪni] adj.多雨的;下雨的
















Unit 7 It’ s raining!


rain [reɪn] n.雨;雨水v.下雨;(雨点般)落下
windy ['wɪndi] adj.有风的;多风的cloudy ['klaʊdi] adj.多云的;阴天的sunny ['sʌni] adj.阳光充足的;睛朗的snow [snəʊ] n.雪weather ['weðə(r)] n.天气cook [kʊk] v.烹调;烧煮bad [bæd] adj.坏的;不好的;差的park [pɑːk] n.公园message ['mesɪdʒ] n.消息;信息him [hɪm] pron.他(he的宾格)could [kəd aux.可以;能;可能;can的过去式back [bæk] n.后面adj.向后的;后面的problem ['prɒbləm] n.问题;难题again [ə'ɡen] adv.再;又dry [draɪ] adj.干的;干燥的cold [kəʊld] adj.冷的;寒冷的hot [hɒt] adj.热的;辣的warm [wɔːm] adj.温暖的;暖和的visit ['vɪzɪt] v.拜访;参观Canada ['kænədə] n.加拿大summer ['sʌmə(r)] n.夏天;夏季sit [sɪt] v.坐juice [dʒuːs] n.果汁soon [suːn] adv.不久;很快vacation [və\'keɪʃn] n.假期;休假hard [hɑːd] adj.硬的;困难的Europe ['jʊərəp] n.欧洲;欧盟mountain ['maʊntən] n..山;山脉;高山country ['kʌntri] n.国家;乡村skate [skeɪt] v.溜冰;滑冰snowy ['snəʊi] adj.多雪的winter ['wɪntə(r)] n.冬季;冬天Russian ['rʌʃn] adj.俄国的;俄国人的;俄语的snowman ['snəʊmæn] n.雪人rainy ['reɪni] adj.多雨的;下雨的


1.How is the weather...?=What’s the weather like...? 天气怎么样?

2.in the rainy weather 在雨天

3.talk about the weather with friends 和朋友谈论天气

4.play computer games 玩电脑游戏

5.watch TV 看电视

6.How’s it going? 一切还好么?

7.not bad 不坏,不错

8. at the park= in the park 在公园

9.sound like 听起来像

10.have a good time 玩得开心;过得愉快

11.study at sb’s home 在某人的家中学习

12. take a message for sb. 为某人带消息

13. tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事

14. call sb. back (给某人)回电话

15. no problem 没问题

16. do one’s homework 做某人的作业

17. right now 现在;立即;马上

18. study English 学习英语

19. have a great time doing 开心做某事

20. summer school 暑期学习班

21. visit some of my old friends 拜访我的一些老朋友

22. be happy to do sth. 高兴做某事

23. sit by the pool 坐在游泳池边

24. drink orange juice 喝橙汁

25. summer vacation 暑假

26. study hard 努力学习

27. be on vacation 在度假

28. write to sb. 给某人写信

29. in your country 在你的国家

30. next month 下个月

31. for three hours 三个小时

32. wear hats 戴帽子

33. take a photo of sb. 给某人照相

34. speak to sb. 给某人谈话


1. Hello,Rick speaking.


2. Hi Rick, It’s Steve.


3. —How’s it going?


—Not bad, thanks.


4.Sounds like you’re having a good time.


5.Could you just tell him to call me back?


6. She is working here and I\'m going to summer school.


7. 一How's the weather?


—It's cloudy. /It's sunny. /It's rainy.


8.He’s studying at his friend’s home.


9.I’m having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.


10.The weather here is cool and cloudy,just right for walking.


11. I\'m studying English and I\'m learning a lot.


12. How’s your summer vacation going?



【写作题目】你家乡的气候怎样? 你喜欢什么样的气候?以The Weather in My City 为题,写一篇介绍天气的短文。


 The Weather in My City

Hello, everyone!I’m from Shengyang. Do you want to know what the weather is like here? Let me tell you!

Shengyang is in the northeast of China. In spring, the weather is changeable(多变的).Sometimes it’s warm,  and sometimes it’s cold. In summer, it’s hot. But I like it very much because I like swimming. The autumn in Shengyang is very nice. It’s neither too hot nor too cold .In winter, it’s very cold. You can see heavy snow everywhere. I like snow. I like to make snowman with my friends.   





1. Look at the ________!It s ________ hard now.

A.rain;rain B.raining;raining

C.raining;rain D.rain;raining

2. —Hello,Jenny.________ speaking.   —Oh,hello,Tony.

A.I m Tony B.This is Tony 

C.That is Tony D.There is Tony

3. —________? —Not bad,thanks.  

A.What s he doing B.How is he

C.How s it going D.Why do you like it

4. Mr.Black usually ________ TV at night.Now he ________ a basketball game on TV.



C.sees;is seeing

D.watches;is watching

5. It often ________ here in summer. Look!It s ________ again.

A.rains;raining B.rainy;raining

C.rain;rainy D.raining;rains

6. —It s windy and cloudy today.   —That ________ terrible.

A.listens B.sounds 

C.looks D.tastes

7. —Tim,how is it going with you?   —________.I m having fun.

A.Terrible B.Boring 

C.Very tiring D.Pretty good

8. Oh,it s very ________ today. If you go out,put on(穿上) your coat.

A.hot B.cold C.warm D.dry

9. — the weather  Guangzhou?   

—It s hot and dry.

A.Where s;of B.What s;in

C.How s;in D.How s;of

10. —How s it going,Betty?  


A.Thank you B.Terrible 

C.Very much D.You re right

11. —I want to go to Beijing tomorrow.   —________.

A.That s all right B.Sounds like a good idea

C.You re right D.No problem

12. Jane is having fun ________ games with her parents at the park.

A.playing B.to play C.plays D.play

13. Please write ________ me and tell me ________ your new job.

A.to;about B./;on

C.to;in D.with;about

14. —It s Father s Day today,________?  —Yes,let s buy a gift for Dad.

A.isn t he B.is he C.is it D.isn t it

15. More and more young people go skating ________ winter.

A.at B.in C.on D.to


It s Sunday today. The   1   is sunny. People are   2   today. There   3   a lot of people in the park. Some children are in the park,  4  ,and all of them are having a great time there.

Look!Some people are playing chess under a big   5  .Some people are taking photos.Some people are walking on the grass(草地).Others are   6   in the water.

  7   are Lily and John?Lily is next to the bridge. What is she doing?Oh,she is   8   music. She wants to be a musician.John is   9   the river. What is he doing?Look!He is drawing a picture. He   10   it is very interesting to draw pictures.

1. A.life B.day C.weather D.food

2. A.free B.lazy C.smart D.quiet

3. A.are B.is C.have D.has

4. A.also B.either C.just D.too

5. A.animal B.tree C.room D.pool

6. A.running B.sleeping C.eating D.swimming

7. A.Where B.When C.How D.Why

8. A.talking to B.helping with C.listening to D.writing to

9. A.from B.of C.to D.by

10. A.speaks B.thinks C.tells D.talks



Here are the weather and the temperature on July 12, 2012.

City Weather High temperature (温度) Low


Beijing  33 22

Tokyo  28 21

London  33 18

Ottawa  26 12

New York  32 22

Melbourne  35 10

1.  Which cities are sunny on July 12? 

A. Beijing and London. 

B. New York and London.

C. London and Melbourne. 

D. Melbourne and Ottawa.

2.          is windy in the day.

A. Tokyo B. Ottawa 

C. New York D. Melbourne

3.         and         have the same(相同的)low temperature.

A. Beijing;New York

B. Beijing;Tokyo

C. Beijing;London

D. New York;Melbourne

4. Ben wants to play soccer. But he can’t. Because he lives in        .

A. Melbourne B. Ottawa 

C. New York D.    Tokyo

5.         is the hottest in the day and the coolest at night.

A. New York B. Beijing 

C. Melbourne D. London


We often talk about the weather. Here are some passages about the weather. Let’s read them together.

Passage 1:

Is it hot or cold, cool or warm?It always goes up and down. When the sun comes up,it warms the air and the temperature will go up. When nights come,the air will get cooler and the temperature will fall.

Passage 2:

We can’t see it,but we can feel it.It can move the air.When it comes, we can see the branches (树枝) move. Do you like flying kites?It can carry your kite high in the sky.It can also blow (吹) your hat off.

Passage 3:

The rain is falling all around. It falls on fields and trees. It rains on the umbrellas here and on the ships at sea.

Passage 4:

We often see it in winter.It looks white and many people like it a lot.When it comes,the ground will put on her white clothes. And children are especially happy then,because they can make snowmen.

6. The underlined word“warms”in Passage 1 means“    ”in Chinese.

A. 使……变冷 B. 使……变暖 

C. 使……下降 D. 使……上升

7. When       , we know it’s windy.

A. the ground is white 

B. a poet (诗人) writes a poem

C. the branches are moving 

D. the air gets cooler

8. Which one may be the best title for Passage 3?

A. Taking your umbrella. 

B. Ships at sea.

C. Falling on fields and trees. 

D. The rain.

9. Passage 4 mainly (主要地) talks about       .

A. snow B. rain C. wind D. temperature

10. Why do children feel happy when it snows?

A. Because they can stay at home.

B. Because they can make snowmen.

C. Because they don’t need to go to bed.

D. Because they feel very cold.


Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. It is true. People usually begin their talks with "Isn t it a nice day?" "Do you think it will rain?" "What a fine day!" etc. Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But they hardly agree with each other. One man may say, "Do you see how cloudy it is in the east? It s going to rain tomorrow." Another man will say, "No, it s going to be fine tomorrow." People often look for the weather they want. When a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him it s going to rain; he won t believe anything else. When friends have a travel, they are sure the weather is going to clear up very quickly. Almost everyone listens to what the weather man says. But he doesn t always tell us what we want, and once in a while he makes a mistake. Still, he probably comes closer to being correct than anyone else.

11. "Nobody does something about the weather" means ________.

A. nobody can make weather 

B. nobody can change weather

C. nobody can talk about weather 

D. nobody likes weather

12. ________ is a common way to start a talk.

A. Talking about weather 

B. Keeping silent

C. Asking each other s names 

D. Smile

13. Many people hope the weather will be ________.

A. fine 

B. rainy

C. cloudy 

D. like what they like to be

14. A weatherman probably is a man who ________.

A. reports weather 

B. can see weather

C. can change weather   

D. is made of weather

15. When it is cloudy in the east, you know that ________ tomorrow.

A. it is going to rain 

B. it will be fine

C. it will be still cloudy 

D. A or B or C


1.Today is sunny and w         (温暖的).Let s go to the park.

2.China is a great c            (国家) with a long history.

3.In Harbin,it s very cold in w           (冬天).

4.I m going to Canada for my summer v            (假期) next week.

5.I want a bottle of orange j          (果汁).I m too thirsty(渴的).


1.The dog              (lie) on the ground now.

2.Please tell your brother              (call) me back.

3.—How s the weather?  —It s            (sun).

4.I can see some               (mountain) in the photos.

5.—What do you think of the story?  —It s             (relax).



Could you tell Lily ________ ________ me ________?


Could you please ________ ________ ________ for our English teacher?


Look!They are ________ ________ ________ ________ at the Water Park.


I m very happy ________ ________ some of my old friends.


It s cool and bright in September,just ________ ________ ________.


A:Hello,this is Tom speaking.

B:Hi,Tom. It s Bob.   1  

A:Pretty good,thank you. It s sunny today.   2  

B:I m playing balls with some friends in the park.

A:Sounds like you re having a good time.

B:Yes.   3  

A:No,she is not at home.She is shopping in the store. There are some clothes on sale.


B:Yes,thanks. Could you tell her to call me back?

A:  5  

A.How s it going?

B.How is the weather there?

C.Is your sister at home?

D.No,he isn t.

E.Of course,no problem.

F.Can I take a message for her?

G.What are you doing?




Who Where Feelings Weather Activities

Mike Harbin great cold,

snowy skating,making

a snowman…

Mike s

friends Hainan good sunny,

warm swimming,playing

beach volleyball…


参 考 答 案


1~5 DBCDA 6~10 BDBCB 11~15 BAADB


1~5 CAADB   6~10 DACDB


1~5 CBADC   6~10 BCDAB   11~15 BADAD


1. warm   2. country   3. winter   4. vacation   5. juice


1. is lying   2. to call   3. sunny   4. mountains   5. relaxing


1. to call  back   2. take a message   3. having a good time

4. to visit   5. right for running





My name is Mike. My family is having a great time visiting Harbin. The weather is cold and snowy. We re wearing hats and thick coats. I am so happy to see the white world. My father and I are skating in the snow. My mother is making a snowman. We are having fun.My friends are in Hainan now. It s warm and sunny there. They are having a good time on the beach. Some are swimming in the sea. Some are playing beach volleyball.
















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