

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-03


1. 2017年上半年刊出文獻的“想讀”清單,見:link

2. 上半年挑了50篇左右想讀收藏,只讀15篇左右。下半年的新文獻更多了,大概70篇,但會再控制些,最多還是15篇吧。

3. 除了Sociological Theory這個期刊還沒更新今年的最后一期,其它的大多的社會學理論期刊都刊完今年的內容了。

4. 更新的一些以前沒follow的期刊,要是上了哲學所,開始留意了這一取向,有幾類:

——批判理論/哲學類。主比如:Philosophy & Social Criticism,Critical Horizons,Telos

——德法歷史與思想研究。比如French Historical Studies和French Studies

——馬克思主義。比如International SocialismReview of Radical Political Economic

5. follow的各个期刊,见页底。

6. 這期推完,開始進入冬歇期zzzzz。






Journal of Classical Sociology - Volume 17, Number 4, 2017

Special Issue: Durkheim in Germany. The Performance of a Classic


History and Theory - Volume 56, Issue 3 - 2017

——Forum:Carl Schmitt in History and Theory


Theory, Culture & Society - Volume 34, Number 5-6,  2017

Special Issue: Elites and Power after Financialization



A、American Journal of Sociology 

1. Collins, Randall.2017. ‘Emotional Dynamics and Emotional Domination Drive The Microtrajectory of Moments of Collective Contingency: Comment On Ermakoff’. American Journal of Sociology 123 (1):276–83.


2. Ermakoff, Ivan. 2017. ‘Emotions, Cognition, and Collective Alignment: A Response to Collins’. American Journal of Sociology 123 (1):284–91.

——就針對Ermakoff2015AJS文章的爭論。該文獲得了2017年ASA的theory section獎,感覺是很難讀的一篇。打盹了幾次沒讀完。


3.Neil Gross. 2017. Review of Reconstructing Sociology and The Relational Subject’. American Journal of Sociology 123 (1):297–301.

——美國的實用主義大咖批評這幾年的批判實在論的兩本獲獎力作。批判實在論的回應見:http://www.criticalrealismnetwork.org 【回應者是巴斯卡的最后一個學生,他的論文,在下面也會提到。】

——另一篇向北美引介批判實在論的,見Frauley, Jon. 2017. ‘Synoptic Vision: Metatheory, Conceptualisation, and Critical Realism’. Canadian Journal of Sociology 42 (3):293–324.

  ——之前推送過Neil Gross 2009,見link

——之前介紹過的批判實在論,見:link1, link2, link3

B. American Sociological Review

4. Frye, Margaret. 2017. ‘Cultural Meanings and the Aggregation of Actions: The Case of Sex and Schooling in Malawi’. American Sociological Review 82 (5):945–76.



5. Abend, Gabriel. Forthcoming. ‘Outline of a Sociology of Decisionism’.The British Journal of Sociology.

——2017年Annual Review of Sociology上也有一篇Decision-Making Processes in Social Contexts


C. British Journal of Sociology

6. Fuller, Brian W. fortchoming.‘Back to Hegel? On Gillian Rose’s Critique of Sociological Reason’. The British Journal of Sociology.


7. Mills, Tom.  fortchoming. ‘What Has Become of Critique? Reassembling Sociology after Latour’. The British Journal of Sociology.

——真的該了解下Latour下,對object的思考這一塊,一直是我的短板。類似主題,還有Elder-Vass, Dave. 2017. ‘Materialising Social Ontology’. Cambridge Journal of Economics 41 (5):1437–51.

8. Schwarz, Ori. fortchoming. ‘Cultures of Choice: Towards a Sociology of Choice as a Cultural Phenomenon’. The British Journal of Sociology.

9. Abend, Gabriel. fortchoming. ‘Outline of a Sociology of Decisionism’. The British Journal of Sociology. 



D.Theory and Society

10. Burawoy, Michael. 2017. ‘On Desmond: The Limits of Spontaneous Sociology’. Theory and Society 46 (4):261–84


11. Loyal, Steven, and Stephen Quilley. 2017. ‘The Particularity of the Universal: Critical Reflections on Bourdieu’s Theory of Symbolic Power and the State’. Theory and Society 46 (5):429–62.



E. Annual Review of Sociology

12. Erikson, Emily, and Nicholas Occhiuto. 2017. ‘Social Networks and Macrosocial Change’. Annual Review of Sociology 43 (1):229–48.




F.Sociological Methods & Research

13. Barrenechea, Rodrigo, and James Mahoney. Forthcoming. 2017. ‘A Set-Theoretic Approach to Bayesian Process Tracing’. Sociological Methods & Research

——James Mahoney的新作。他現在在方法論上關注貝葉斯推論+過程追蹤。實際上Bayesian approach在歷史社會學早有提出了,對于解決small N問題是一種回答吧。


G. Journal of Classical Sociology

14. Callegaro, Francesco. 2017. ‘Justice as the Sacred in Language: Durkheim and Habermas on the Ultimate Grounds of Modernity and Critique’. Journal of Classical Sociology 17 (4):342–60.

15. Fitzi, Gregor, and Nicola Marcucci. 2017. ‘Durkheim in Germany: The Performance of a Classic’. Journal of Classical Sociology 17 (4):271–75.

——基本從上面那個專刊挑出來的。目前在關注涂爾干論the sacred這個晚期問題。


16. Swedberg, Richard. 2017. ‘How to Use Max Weber’s Ideal Type in Sociological Analysis’. Journal of Classical Sociology.


17. Haugaard, Mark. forthcoming. ‘What Is Authority?’ Journal of Classical Sociology.

18. Barnwell, Ashley. fortchoming. ‘Durkheim as Affect Theorist’. Journal of Classical Sociology


H. European Journal of Social Theory

19. Menge, Torsten. Forthcoming. ‘The Role of Power in Social Explanation’. European Journal of Social Theory.


20. Gills, Barry K, James Goodman, and S A Hamed Hosseini. 2017. ‘Theorizing Alternatives to Capital: Towards a Critical Cosmopolitanist Framework’. European Journal of Social Theory 20 (4):437–54



I. European Journal of Political Theory

21. Roberts, William Clare. Forthcoming. ‘What Was Primitive Accumulation? Reconstructing the Origin of a Critical Concept’. European Journal of Political Theory.


22. Fleming, Sean. Forthcoming. ‘The Two Faces of Personhood: Hobbes, Corporate Agency and the Personality of the State’. European Journal of Political Theory.

——在關注collective/shared/group/corporate + agency。類似還有Hirvonen, Onni. 2017. ‘Groups as Persons? A Suggestion for a Hegelian Turn’. Journal of Social Ontology 3 (2):143–165.

23. Hall, Edward. 2017. ‘How to Do Realistic Political Theory (and Why You Might Want To)’. European Journal of Political Theory 16 (3):283–303.

24. Ince, Onur Ulas. 2017. ‘Imperial Pasts, Imperial Presents’. European Journal of Political Theory 16 (4):470–80.

25. Jurkevics, Anna. 2017. ‘Hannah Arendt Reads Carl Schmitt’s The Nomos of the Earth: A Dialogue on Law and Geopolitics from the Margins’. European Journal of Political Theory16 (3):345–66.




J.European Journal of Sociology

26. Malthaner, Stefan. 2017. ‘Radicalization: The Evolution of an Analytical Paradigm’. European Journal of Sociology 58 (3):369–401.


27. Nungesser, Frithjof. 2017. ‘The Evolution of Pragmatism: On the Scientific Background of the Pragmatist Conception of History, Action, and Sociality’. European Journal of Sociology 58 (2):327–67.



K. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory

28. Wide, Sverre. 2017. ‘Causation and Reason: R. G. Collingwood and Causal Analysis as the Essence of Social Thinking’. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 18 (2):173–95.

29. Elster, Julius. 2017. ‘The Temporal Dimension of Reflexivity: Linking Reflexive Orientations to the Stock of Knowledge’. Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 0 (0):1–20.

——reflexive也是這幾年挺多年輕學者在追的(在英國)的一個社會學理論題目。另見Bouzanis, Christoforos. 2017. ‘For Reflexivity as an Epistemic Criterion of Ontological Coherence and Virtuous Social Theorizing’. History of the Human Sciences. 這篇文章有梳理該脈絡。


L.Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour

30. Groff, Ruth. 2017. ‘Causal Mechanisms and the Philosophy of Causation’. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47 (3):286–305.

31. Kanger, Laur. 2017. ‘Mapping “the ANT Multiple”: A Comparative, Critical and Reflexive Analysis’. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour.

32. Rutzou, Timothy. 2017. ‘Finding Bhaskar in All the Wrong Places? Causation, Process, and Structure in Bhaskar and Deleuze’. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47 (4):402–17.



M. Current Sociology/American Journal of Cultural Sociology

33. Brisson, Romain, and Renzo Bianchi. 2017. ‘Distinction at the Class-Fraction Level? A Re-Examination of Bourdieu’s Dataset’. Cultural Sociology


34. Bykov, Andrey. 2017. ‘Altruism: New Perspectives of Research on a Classical Theme in Sociology of Morality’. Current Sociology 65 (6):797–813.

35. St John, Graham. 2017. ‘Civilised Tribalism: Burning Man, Event-Tribes and Maker Culture’. Cultural Sociology.

36. Wagner-Pacifici, Robin, and Iddo Tavory. 2017. ‘Politics as a Vacation’. American Journal of Cultural Sociology 5 (3):307–21.


——已推送过Iddo Tavory文章,见link

37. Strand, Michael. 2017. ‘Historicizing Social Inequality: A Victorian Archive for Contemporary Moral Discourse’. American Journal of Cultural Sociology 5 (1–2):225–60.

——What is historical sociology里不是說不平等的歷史社會學取向沒得到應有重視嗎?!推送過他的作品。見link。


N.書評Contemporary Sociology

38. Hall, John R. 2017. ‘Practicing Theorizing in Sociological Research, or, The Two Faces of Pragmatism’. Contemporary Sociology 46 (6):635–40.

39. Swedberg, Richard.2017b. ‘A Brilliant Work in General Theory’. Contemporary Sociology 46 (6):640–44.


Binder, Werner. 2017. ‘The Drama of Politics: Jeffrey Alexander’s Liberal Sociology of Political Performances’. Thesis Eleven 142 (1):112–29. 【也是書評,到時應會配合Emirbayer的文章一塊看】


O.The American Sociologist

40. Jacobs, Struan. 2017. ‘How Role Replaced Personality as a Major Category of Sociology’. The American Sociologist, June, 1–19.

41. Masson, Philippe, and Cherry Schrecker. 2017. ‘How Does the Individual Find a Place in French Sociology?’ The American Sociologist.


P. 批判社會理論期刊: Critical Sociology,Critical Horizons,Philosophy & Social Criticism 

42. Kelly, Mark G. E. 2017. ‘Foucault Contra Honneth: Resistance or Recognition?’ Critical Horizons 18 (3):214–30.


43. Sinha, Subir, and Rashmi Varma. 2017. ‘Marxism and Postcolonial Theory: What’s Left of the Debate?’ Critical Sociology 43 (4–5):545–58.

44. Fine, Ben, and Alfredo Saad-Filho. 2017. ‘Thirteen Things You Need to Know About Neoliberalism’. Critical Sociology 43 (4–5):685–706.

45. Jani, Pranav. 2017. ‘Marxism, Mediation, Historiography: Writing About 1857’. Critical Sociology 43 (7–8):1093–1107.

46. Steele, Meili. 2017. ‘Social Imaginaries and the Theory of the Normative Utterance’. Philosophy & Social Criticism 43 (10):1045–71.

——follow“Social Imaginaries”議題。


Q. 馬克思主義期刊

47. Rey Araujo, Pedro M. 2017. ‘Institutional Change in Social Structures of Accumulation Theory: An Anti-Essentialist Approach’. Review of Radical Political Economics.

48. Neilson, David. 2017. ‘In-Itself for-Itself: Towards Second-Generation Neo-Marxist Class Theory’. Capital & Class.

49. Dunn, Bill. 2017. ‘Against Neoliberalism as a Concept’. Capital & Class 41 (3):435–54.

50. Foster, Roger. 2017. ‘Freedom’s Right: Critical Social Theory and the Challenge of Neoliberalism’. Capital & Class 41 (3):455–73.



R. History and Theory

51. Bernstein, Richard J. 2017. ‘The Unresolved Problems of Late Critical Theory’.History and Theory 56 (3):418–32.

52. Eldridge, Richard. 2017. ‘Methodological Individualism Vs. Collectivist Holism in Historical Explanation’. History and Theory 56 (3):442–51.


——類似的見:Currie, Adrian. 2017. ‘Hot-Blooded Gluttons: Dependency, Coherence, and Method in the Historical Sciences’. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (4):929–52.


S.歷史/社會學:The American Historical Review,

Past & Present, The English Historical Review, Journal of Historical Sociology

53. Cowles, Henry M. 2017. ‘On the Origin of Theories: Charles Darwin’s Vocabulary of Method On the Origin of Theories’. The American Historical Review 122 (4):1079–1104.

54. Deak, John, and Jonathan E. Gumz. 2017. ‘How to Break a State: The Habsburg Monarchy’s Internal War, 1914–1918How to Break a State’. The American Historical Review 122 (4):1105–36.

55. Keliher, Macabe. 2017. ‘The Problem of Imperial Relatives in Early Modern Empires and the Making of Qing ChinaThe Problem of Imperial Relatives and the Making of Qing China’. The American Historical Review 122 (4):1001–37.


56. Öztan, Ramazan Hakkı. 2017. ‘Tools of Revolution: Global Military Surplus, Arms Dealers and Smugglers in the Late Ottoman Balkans, 1878–1908’. Past & Present 237 (1):167–95.

57. Murphy, Anne L. 2017. ‘Clock-Watching: Work and Working Time at the Late Eighteenth-Century Bank of England’. Past & Present 236 (1):99–132.


58. Warren, John S. 2017. ‘Darwin’s Missing Links’. History of European Ideas 43 (8):929–1001.


59. Waley-Cohen, Joanna. 2017. ‘Re-Evaluating China’s Nineteenth Century’. The English Historical Review 132 (557):912–24.【書評】


60. Parisot, James. 2017. ‘The Two Hundred and Fifty Year Transition: How the American Empire Became Capitalist’. Journal of Historical Sociology 30 (3):587–618.


T. 人類學

61. Herzfeld, Michael. 2017. ‘Anthropological Realism in a Scientistic Age’. Anthropological Theory.

62. Sahlins, Marshall. 2017. ‘The Original Political Society (The 2016 Inaugural A. M. Hocart Lecture)’. HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 7 (2):91–128.

63. Sutton, David. 2017. ‘Cooking in Theory: Risky Events in the Structure of the Conjuncture’. Anthropological Theory.



64. Ellison, Matthew. 2017. ‘Jean-Luc Nancy and the Identity of a People’. French Studies 71 (4):524–38.

65. Hoffmann, Stefan-Ludwig. 2017. ‘Koselleck in America’. New German Critique 44 (3 132):167–87.




1. 社会学

Acta Sociologica 
American Journal of Cultural Sociology 

American Journal of Sociology

American Sociological Review 

Annual Review of Sociology 

Canadian Journal of Sociology 

Critical Sociology 

Comparative Studies in Society and History 

Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 

Cultural Sociology 

Current Perspectives in Social Theory

Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory:

Economy and Society

European Journal of Social Theory 
European Journal of Sociology 
European Sociological Review 

International Journal of Comparative Sociology 

International Review of Sociology 

Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour .
Journal of Classical Sociology 
Journal of Historical Sociology .

Journal of Social Ontology

Journal of Social Philosophy

Journal of Sociology 

Political Power and Social Theory 

Qualitative Sociology

Qualitative Sociology Review

Social Forces

Social Science Information

Sociological Forum .

Sociological Inquiry

Sociological Methodology 

Sociological Methods & Research

Sociological Perspectives

Sociological Spectrum

Sociological Theory


Sociology Compass

Soci-economic Review

The American Sociologist

The British Journal of Sociology

Theory and Society

The Sociological Quarterly

The Sociological Review


2. 综合/地区

American Behavioral Scientist

Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences


Theory, Culture & Society

Thesis Eleven

New German Critique

French Historical Studies

French Studies


3. 历史

Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales - English Edition

Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies

Critical Historical Studies

Cultural and Social History

History and Theory .

History of European Ideas

History of the Human Sciences 

Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies

Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies

Modern China

Past & Present 

Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies

Journal of Interdisciplinary History

Journal of the History of Ideas

Late Imperial China

Rethinking History

Journal of Global Studies

The American Historical Review 

The English Historical Review

The Journal of Asian Studies


4. 哲学

British Journal for the Philosophy of Science

Critical Horizons

Human Studies .

Philosophy of Science .

Philosophy of the Social Sciences


Philosophy & Social Criticism


5. 马克思主義

Capital & Class

Historical Materialism

Rethinking Marxism

International Socialism

Review of Radical Political Economic




《Sociological理论大缸》公众号的Q & A


