

高行云 Sociological理论大缸 2019-09-02



1. 想读的新文献,已经消灭完了。



2. 再想读的新文献,也差不多整理了。

陆续整理了2017年下半年新刊出来的社会学理论journal articles。当然,有的期刊还没刊出Winter,会稍补一下。挑出了80篇左右关注,20篇左右会必读,

3. 期末论文和硕士论文开始了


4. 不想存货


5. 逐渐整理以前的推送












1.European Journal of Social Theory

Croce,Mariano, and Andrea Salvatore. 2017. “Normality as Social Semantics. Schmitt,Bourdieu and the Politics of the Normal.” European Journal of Social Theory20 (2): 275–91.


2.The British Journal of Sociology

Krause,Monika. 2017. “How Fields Vary.” The British Journal of Sociology,Online First.


3.Sociological Theory

Healy, Kieran. 2017. ‘Fuck Nuance’. Sociological Theory 35 (2): 118–27. 


4.Theory and Society

Joyce,Patrick, and Chandra Mukerji. 2017. “The State of Things: State History and Theory Reconfigured.” Theory and Society 46 (1): 1–19.


5.Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour

Strand, Michael, and Omar Lizardo. 2017. “The Hysteresis Effect: Theorizing Mismatch in Action.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47 (2): 164–94.



Azarian,Reza. 2017. “Joint Actions, Stories and Symbolic Structures: A Contribution to Herbert Blumer’s Conceptual Framework.” Sociology 51 (3): 685–700.

——荐读:重新发现布鲁默:从joint action概念入手

7.Social Psychology Quarterly

Raymond,Chase Wesley, and Anne Elizabeth Clark White. 2017. “Time Reference in the Service of Social Action.” Social Psychology Quarterly 80 (2): 109–31.


8.Thesis Eleven

Kumar,Krishan. 2017. “The Time of Empire: Temporality and Genealogy in the Development of European Empires.” Thesis Eleven 139 (1): 113–28.



9.American Sociological Review

McDonnell,Erin Metz. 2017. “Patchwork Leviathan: How Pockets of Bureaucratic Governance Flourish within Institutionally Diverse Developing States.” American Sociological Review 82 (3): 476–510.

10.American Sociological Review

Lizardo,Omar. 2017. “Improving Cultural Analysis: Considering Personal Culture in Its Declarative and Nondeclarative Modes.” American Sociological Review 82 (1): 88–115.

11.Sociological Theory 

McDonnell,Terence E., Christopher A. Bail, and Iddo Tavory. 2017. “A Theory of Resonance.” Sociological Theory 35 (1): 1–14.

12.History and Theory 

 Fillafer,Franz L. 2017. “A World Connecting? From the Unity of History to GlobalHistory.” History and Theory 56 (1): 3–37.

13.Journalfor the Theory of Social Behaviour

Rutzou,Timothy. 2017. “Finding Bhaskar in All the Wrong Places? Causation, Process,and Structure in Bhaskar and Deleuze.” Journalfor the Theory of Social Behaviour, January.

P.S. 高雄根本没冬天!

