
期刊动态 | 翻译学SSCI期刊Perspectives2022年第1期摘要

语言学通讯 语言学通讯 2023-03-04

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通讯君与Routledge/Taylor & Francis合作推广旗下的语言学及应用语言学著作、期刊。



Roberto A. Valdeón - University of Oviedo, Spain


科研助力 | John Benjamins语言学期刊2022年电子账户订阅

期刊动态 | SSCI期刊Translator主题征稿

专著推荐 | 讲述他们的科研发表故事:新手到老手的国际发表研究

专著推荐 | 翻译学主编眼里中国学者的好稿子:Chinese Translation Studies in the 21st Century

学术讲座 | 文学类SSCI A&HCI论文发表进阶系列课


Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice encourages the submission of papers that explore issues concerning all kinds of language and cultural mediation, including but not limited to literary translation, technical and scientific translation, interpreting, audiovisual translation, intralingual mediation and so on. Both empirical and theoretical studies are welcome, but articles should appeal to a wide international readership. From 2022, Perspectives will not consider articles on pedagogical issues. 注意:翻译教学研究不要投稿了

Perspectives also encourages interdisciplinary studies, with areas such as communication studies, sociology, applied and theoretical linguistics, history, literary theory, postcolonial studies, gender studies and so on. Authors are expected to engage with previous publications which might open up new avenues and directions of research. 

Contributors are reminded that submissions should be written in good academic English and follow the style guide of the journal.

Perspectives. Studies in Translation Theory and Practice is published six times a year, each issue consisting of approximately 160 pages. The language of publication is English although the issues discussed may involve all languages and language combinations. Submissions should be circa 7,000 words.

Perspectives also publishes reviews of some of the most important publications in the field. Those interested in reviewing a book should contact our review editor, Kyle Conway, at kconwa2@uottawa.ca.  Perspectives does not publish unsolicited reviews.注意:不接受非邀书评。


推荐语:2022年Perspectives第一期发表了10篇论文,其中3篇中国学者之手。本期话题涵盖:1 翻译教学(注意以后不要投稿这个话题了,Perspectives2022年后不再接受此话题投稿)、2 影视翻译(对比配音和字幕的影视翻译,谁更体现口语化“啊、呀、吧、呢”等语气词切入的语料库研究)3作为新兴网络合作翻译的众包翻译,从伦理,社会和概念面面观。4 机器翻译(翻译自动化的分类,还有神经机器翻译)5新闻翻译的批评话语分析(基于语料库对比了BBC乌克兰和俄罗斯头版头条翻译的意识形态转换)6英语-波兰语翻译中的语义韵问题(语料库对比语言学研究),7文学翻译(但是Şule Demirkol Ertürk的这一篇已经有很强的文论色彩了,作者用文化记忆的理论研究了土耳其版的美食书/类《舌尖上的中国》吧。本文的“文化翻译”提出翻译在关注不被倾听的声音,发掘被遗忘的文化记忆起到了关键作用)



Online collaborative translation: its ethical, social, and conceptual conditions and consequences

Cornelia Zwischenberger

摘要:This paper analyses the conceptual, social and ethical dimensions of online collaborative translation and particularly one of its major subtypes, translation crowdsourcing. Since online collaborative translation is still a rather young field of research there are still conceptual uncertainties, particularly surrounding the selection of the meta- or top-level concept for recent forms of online translation (such as translation crowdsourcing), unsolicited and self-managed forms of online translation (like Wikipedia translation), and the various forms of online fan translation. This paper argues for using online collaborative translation as the meta-concept, based on a painstaking analysis and justification of the concept against its competitors. The paper focuses on translation crowdsourcing for profit-oriented companies like Facebook and its social and ethical consequences. It concludes by investigating whether this kind of translation is exploitative despite the seemingly mutually beneficial transaction between the volunteer translators and the profit-oriented companies employing them, usually unpaid.

What motor vehicles and translation machines have in common - a first step towards a translation automation taxonomy

Tina Paulsen Christensen, Kristine Bundgaard, Anne Schjoldager & Helle Dam Jensen

摘要:In professional translation and in society in general, translation is increasingly automated. However, in Translation Studies, we lack an updated taxonomy of translation automation (TA) to understand the evolving and dynamic relationship between humans and digital technologies. Therefore, taking a first step towards a new taxonomy of TA, this paper adapts the Society of Automotive Engineers' taxonomy of six levels of driving automation, ranging from no automation to fully automated driverless cars, to the field of translation. The six levels of the TA taxonomy basically describe whether the translator and/or the system translates by means of source-text analysis and target-text production and checks for and corrects errors and inadequacies; whether the translator or the system responds to system failures; and whether the performance of the system is limited to a certain domain. Adapting the taxonomy was a complex endeavor, and constructive criticism from stakeholders interested in TA would be welcome

Fight for focus: attention and agency in sight-translated interaction

Randi Havnen

摘要:This paper presents an analysis of three roleplayed interpreted institutional meetings in which sight translation is part of the interaction. The analysis is based on multimodal (inter)action analysis and utilises the analytical tool of modal density as indication of attention/awareness. This analytical framework is novel in interpreting studies. The data include filmed material from an experimental setting and participants’ reflections about the situation. The findings show variations in sight translation practices and that the shift from interpreting to sight translation affects interactional patterns, particularly social actors’ attention and agency. In my discussion of agency in sight-translated interaction, I argue that interpreters, in addition to translating, need to pay attention to interactional issues related to attention and agency caused by the interpreting method.

Remembering the multilingual: translation, memory and food in Amida’s Table Fare

Şule Demirkol Ertürk

摘要:Probing the connections between cities, cultural memory, culinary traditions and translation, this article presents a case study on a recent book exploring the multicultural culinary tradition of Diyarbakır, Turkey: Amida’s Table Fare: A History of Diyarbakır in Food, by Silva Özyerli (2019). A critical analysis of the book together with its paratexts shows that food meant more than simple nourishment to the author: a means of connecting communities, furthering culture and keeping resilient. Although the book was written mainly in Turkish, this article argues that it involves translational practice at three different levels: (i) interlingual translation between various languages of the city, in the form of paraphrase, explication or literal rendering, enables the author to foreground the multilingual and multicultural character of the city; (ii) remediating the memories of a scattered community and giving visibility to its multiplicity of languages, cultures and beliefs, the book becomes a reminder of what the city has lost, which makes it a ‘counter-translation’; (iii) with its aim at creating understanding and empathy on the part of its readers, the book also presents a ‘cultural translation’. The article concludes that translation at these levels proves helpful in giving space to unheard voices and resisting oblivion.

Understanding rubric use in peer assessment of translation

Wei Su

摘要:The present study adopted a process-oriented approach to investigate the efficacy of rubrics as a component of translation competence. In this study, 20 students performed an assessment of a Chinese-English translation. Subsequently, this group underwent a three-week rubric training program and were tasked to perform a second assessment of a similar Chinese-English translation. In both tasks the screen capture program, Camtasia was utilized to record each student’s assessment process. Based on the video recordings it was discovered that across the three rubric criteria (addition, simplification, reformulation), students visited the criterion of addition most frequently, and generated fewest but lengthiest comments. By comparison, they spent less time examining the criterion of simplification, though they produced more comments. This suggests that addition is more time-consuming than simplification to assess, yet more conducive to the assessors’ reflection. In addition, it was determined that after undergoing the training module, students showed early signs of rubric internalization, although their rubric mastery was clearly not fully automated. Specific pedagogical applications are thus suggested.

Ideological shifts in the BBC headlines translated into Ukrainian and Russian

Angela Kamyanets

摘要:The study conducts a critical analysis of Ukrainian and Russian versions of news headlines originally published in English on the BBC News website. The corpus comprises 90 news reports (30 in each language) covering politics. The objective is to reveal any shifts in the assumptions and attitudes expressed by the target headlines as compared with the source, and thus in the ideological meaning that the headlines convey. Depending on the type of modification the headlines undergo in translation, they have been divided into three groups: adaptation to the background knowledge of the new target audience, foregrounding some detail of the news story, and permutations. The findings indicate that target headlines are more likely to undergo modifications in translation that result in ideological shifts when news reports refer to Ukraine or Russia, respectively, or bear upon their political interests. The shifts in the Ukrainian headlines mostly reflect the ideology of the pro-Western part of Ukrainian society and, therefore, tend to be subtle, while the shifts in the Russian headlines often make the latter more consistent with the official political ideology in Russia, which in many respects is fundamentally different from the Western point of view upheld by the BBC.

Use of explicitation by interpreting students and its contribution to consecutive interpreting performance: A developmental perspective

Yinghui Li & Yanping Dong

摘要:The present study aimed to explore the interpreting strategy of explicitation and its connection with interpreting performance from a longitudinal approach. We identified and compared eight specific means of explicitation employed by 62 interpreting students in a B-to-A (English-to-Chinese) consecutive interpreting (henceforth CI) task between two training stages (2nd month of and end of an academic year). Quantitative analysis resulted in two major findings. First, explicitation was more frequently used at the second stage than at the first, with seven of the eight specific means of explicitation increasing significantly in frequency. Second, the frequency of explicitation positively correlated with CI performance (with the correlation being stronger at the second than at the first stage), and the frequency of explicitation at the first stage significantly predicted CI performance at the second stage. Qualitative analyses (supported by retrospection and interview data) suggest that sufficient source language comprehension was a precondition for the use of explicitation. With interpreting training, these students became more audience-oriented and more capable of mediating between the speaker and the audience. Implications are discussed.

Provoke or encourage improvements? On semantic prosody in English-to-Polish translation

Łukasz Grabowski

摘要:Originally defined as an aura of meaning associated with words used together in a particular context, semantic prosody is a complex linguistic concept, and there is no agreement among researchers as to its precise definition and level of operationalization (word, phrase, text or discourse). Although there have been some studies on semantic prosody in translation, their findings are rather inconclusive and limited to individual words and phrases. Also, there has been no research on semantic prosody conducted so far in Polish-English translation. Intending to fill in this gap, this paper, grounded in corpus linguistics, showcases the role of semantic prosody in a selected English-to-Polish translation found in the Paralela corpus. More precisely, we present and reflect upon a peculiar translation error resulting from a mismatched semantic prosody and discuss its wider implications on translation quality, translation reception and translation teaching. Thus, apart from presenting new empirical findings, the study also provides an opportunity for reflection on the application of the concept of semantic prosody in descriptive and explanatory research on translation as well as in translator training.

What has changed with neural machine translation? A critical review of human factors

Valentina Ragni

摘要:In recent years, the push towards automation and translation productivity led to great efforts dedicated to the development of machine translation (MT) systems. Neural machine translation (NMT) represents the latest of these efforts. In this paper we present a critical review of human factors in NMT research with two goals: to provide a snapshot of research in NMT involving human stakeholders, and to appraise how professional translators have been included in discourses around NMT. We report four key findings. First, from translators’ perspective, changes brought about by the neural paradigm are not as much to do with workflows, but rather with the NMT editing process and its specifics. Second, the majority of NMT research involving human stakeholders is directed towards advancing the state of MT development rather than ensuring the usefulness of NMT as a tool for professionals. Third, the review suggested overall narrow conceptualisations of translation productivity that were often based solely on measures of processing time or throughput. Fourth, it emerged that NMT investigations involving end-users are still relatively scarce. We present and discuss these findings, and make recommendations for future research on topics including the concept of productivity and the role of NMT as a professional tool.

Orality in dubbing vs. subtitling: a corpus-based comparative study on the use of mandarin sentence final particles in AVT

Fan Yang

摘要:Much research has been done on orality in dubbing, but orality in subtitling remains largely unexplored. This study seeks to address this by examining and comparing translators’ use of Mandarin Sentence Final Particles (SFPs) 啊/呀 (a/ya), 吧 (ba), and 呢 (ne) in both translation modes against the benchmark of how they are used in non-translated Chinese dialogues. The use of SFPs is evaluated by the frequency of their occurrence and collocation patterns. A comparable corpus was compiled for the analysis. Statistical results show that, although subtitling is often assumed to be a mode that prioritises conciseness and brevity over orality, subtitling translators show a stronger tendency to uphold orality by using more selected SFPs than dubbing translators. Examination of the collocation patterns of SFPs in the corpus reveals more similarities than differences between the two AVT modes in using SFPs. Where differences are spotted, the limited cases studied are insufficient for drawing a conclusion about which translation mode is closer to non-translated dialogues. Three factors are identified as being contributive to the findings: institutional working procedures, interference from the source language, and translators’ recourse to simplification.

Book review

Translation as actor-networking: actors, agencies, and networks in the making of Arthur Waley’s English translation of the Chinese ‘Journey to the West’

by Wenyan Luo, New York, Routledge, 2020, x+260 pp., $128.00 (hardback), $39.00 (e-book), ISBN 9780367375027

Elena Cherchari

Translating worlds: migration, memory, and culture

edited by Susannah Radstone and Rita Wilson, New York and London, Routledge, 2021, 188 pp., £115.00 (Hardcover), ISBN: 978-0-367-11125-0

Md Mujib Ullah

Situated Learning in Interpreter Education: From the Classroom to the Community

by Annette Miner and Brenda Nicodemus, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, xv+207 pp., €103.99 (hardcover), €85.59 (e-book), ISBN 978-3-030-68903-2

Vorya Dastyar

Pages: 179-180

本文编辑:王峰 语言学通讯

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