
人教PEP英语六年级上册Unit 6 达标测试卷

点击关注☛ 语数好老师 2023-02-13




第一卷 听力部分


一、1. I don't like mice. They are very bad.

2. Look at the grass. It's green.

3. I can play football well.

4. Is that man bad?

5. What should I do?

二、1. She is very happy today.

2. Look at the ants. Maybe it will be rainy.

3. The boy is stuck. He is sad.

4. Oh, my brother hurts his leg.

5. It's cold. He should wear warm clothes.

三、1. What is the film about?

2. Why is his mother so worried?

3. How does your brother feel now?

4. What's wrong with your computer?

5. My father is so angry. What should he do?

四、A little duck lives on a farm. He is not yellow. He is gray. No one likes him. No one wants to play with him. He feels very sad. He goes to a zoo one day. He sees some beautiful birds there. The birds say that he will be beautiful like them one day. The little duck is very happy.


一、1. A2. A3. C4. C5. B

二、1. F2. T3. T4. T5. F

三、1. A2. B3. B4. A5. A

四、1. C2. B3. C4. A5. C

五、1. B2. A3. B4. C5. A

六、1. angry; deep breath

2. see; doctor3. afraid

4. count to ten5. worried

七、1. B 点拨: everyone强调每一个人,为单数,与is搭配使用。

2. A3. C

4. A 点拨: listen的意思是“听”,可单独使用,用来提醒对方注意。hear的意思是“听见”。

5. B

八、1. C2. A3. E4. B5. D

九、1. How's the weather today?

2. How do you feel now?

3. Don't sit down, please.

4. He should do more exercise.

5. Linda should see a doctor this morning.

十、1. B2. A3. D4. E5. C

十一、1. B2. A3. C4. B5. C

6. No 点拨: 最后他获得了小狗,所以今年他还是有礼物的,只是礼物来得晚了些。

7. No8. Yes9. No10. Yes


It's Sunday morning. The weather is nice. Tom, John, Peter and Tom's dog, Dogie go to the park to play football. They play together. They are very happy. Suddenly, the ball falls in the river. Tom, John and Peter are sad. They try to take the ball. But they can't. Dogie jumps into the river. Tom is worried. Dogie can swim! He takes the ball back. Good boy, Dogie! They are so excited.


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