

2017-07-18 课件请百度搜索 班班通教学系统


Part A Let's chant

Dad,Mom I love you.爸爸,妈妈,我爱你们.

Grandma and grandpa I love you too. 奶奶,爷爷,我也爱你们.

I love my brother,my sister loves me. 我爱哥哥,姐姐爱我.

I have a happy family.我有一个幸福的家庭.

Sister,Father,Mom three,姐姐,爸爸和妈妈三个人,

Grandpa,Grandma,Dad three,爷爷,奶奶和爸爸三个人

Six and me is family.这六人和我组成了一个家庭.

Part B Let's say.

Look,this is my grandpa,grandma,dad,

mom,brother and little sister,

I love them.我爱他们.

grandpa爷爷 grandma奶奶 dad爸爸 mom妈妈

brother哥哥 sister妹妹


Part A Let's chant and match.

Who's he?他是谁?

Who's she?她是谁?


Who's he?他是谁?

Who's she?她是谁?


Part B Let's draw and talk.

Who's she?她是谁?

She's my grandma.她是我奶奶.

Who's he?他是谁?

He's my dad.他是我爸爸.

Who's she?她是谁?

She's my mom.她是我妈妈.

Who's he?

He is my grandpa.他是我爷爷.

Who's he?

He is my brother.他是我哥哥.

Who's she?

She is my sister.她是我姐姐.


Part A Let's talk.

Who's he?他是谁?

He is my dad.他是我爸爸.

Where is your sister?你姐姐在哪儿?

She is at home.她在家.

Angel,this is my grandma.安琪儿,这是我奶奶.

Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴.


Part A Say and act

My mom is an engineer.我妈妈是工程师.

My dad is a doctor.我爸爸是医生.

My dad is a policeman.我爸爸是警察.

My mom is a teacher.我妈妈是教师.

My dad is a doctor.我爸爸是医生.

He loves me so.他爱我.

My mom is a teacher.我妈妈是教师.

She loves me so.她爱我.

My dad is a policeman.我爸爸是警察.

My mom is an engineer.我妈妈是工程师.

They love me so.他们都爱我.

My dad is a policeman.我爸爸是警察.

My mom is an engineer.我妈妈是工程师.

I love them too.我也爱他们.

My dad is a doctor.                    

My dad is a doctor.

My dad is a doctor.

He loves me so.

My mom is a teacher.

My mom is a teacher.

My mom is a teacher.

She loves me so.

My dad is a policeman.

My mom is an engineer.

They love me so .

My dad is a policeman.

My mom is an engineer.

I love them too.


Part A listen and number.

This is my grandpa.这是我爷爷.

He is my brother.这是我弟弟.

This is my mum.这是我妈妈.

This is my dad.这是我爸爸.

This is my sister.这是我姐姐.

She is my grandma.她是我奶奶.


Fun Time

Bill,share the apples,please.比尔,分一下苹果.


Grandma,I have an apple for you.奶奶,给您一个苹果.

Thank you.谢谢.

An apple for you,dad.给您一个苹果,爸爸.

Thanks a lot.谢谢.

Here you are.给您.

Thank you Bill.谢谢,比尔.

Henry!An apple for you!亨利!给你一个苹果!


Mom,here you are.妈妈,给您.


Hey!That's mine.嘿!这是我的.


Part A Look,listen and chant.

Friends Friends Friends 朋友         

Andy is short.安迪很矮.

Lily is tall.莉莉很高.

Friends Friends Friends

Bill is big.比尔很壮.

Yaoyao is thin.瑶瑶很瘦.

Friends Friends Friends

Joy is pretty.乔伊很可爱.

Lucky is ugly.莱克很丑.

Friends Friends Friends

We are classmates.我们是同学.

We are friends.我们是朋友.

friends 朋友

ugly 丑陋的

tall 高的

short 矮的

big 大的

thin 瘦的

pretty 可爱的

Part B Let's play.

I have a friend.我有一个朋友.

He is wearing a green T-shirt.他穿着一件绿色衬衫

Who is he?他是谁?

He's Andy.他是安迪.


Part A Draw and say.

Dad,I have a new classmate.爸爸,我有一个新同学

What is he like?他怎么样?

He is tall.他很高.

Part B Let's sing.

We are classmates.我们是同学.

We are friends.我们是朋友.

Bill,Andy and Lily.比尔,安迪和莉莉.

Binbin,Yaoyao and Joy.彬彬,瑶瑶和乔伊.

Every girl and every boy.每个女孩,每个男孩.

Pretty,big or tall.可爱的,强壮的或高大的

Thin,short or small.瘦得,矮的或小的.

We are friends and classmates all.



Let's talk

Joy,we have a new classmate,Ted. 乔伊,我们有个新同学,特德.

What is he like?他长的什么样呀?

He is tall.他很高.

Bill,the is our new classmate,Ted.              

Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你.

Nice to meet you,too.

Yaoyao,look!Who is he?瑶瑶,看!他是谁?

He is our new classmate,Ted. 他是我们的新同学,特德.


Let's talk

Hi!I'm Ted.嗨!我是特德.

I'm from Canada.我来自加拿大.

Hi!I'm Joy.嗨!我是乔伊.

Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你.

I'm from China.我来自中国.

I'm from Britain.我来自英国.

I'm from America.我来自美国.


Listen and stick.

Who is she?她是谁?

She is my classmate,Jane.她是我的新同学,简

What is she like?她长什么样呀?

She is thin,her hair is pretty.她很瘦头发很漂亮

She is from America.她来自美国.

Who is he?他是谁?

He is my friend.他是我的朋友.

What is he like?他长什么样呀?

He is short.他很矮

His T-shirt is ugly.他的T恤很难看.

He's from Britain.他来自英国.


Fun Time

I'm hungry.我很饿.


Grr... 嗷... 


Elephant!There is a monster!大象!这儿有只怪物.

What is he like?它长什么样呀?

He is big.He is tall.它很大.它很高.

He is ugly.它很丑

Look!He is Monkey!看!它是猴子!


I'm sorry.真对不起.

That's OK.没关系.

We are friends.我们是朋友嘛.


ook,listen and chant

I see a hill in the beautiful park. 我看到公园里的小山.

I see a bridge in the beautiful park. 我看到公园里的小桥.

I see a lake in the beautiful park. 我看到公园里的小湖.

The flowers are red.红红的花.                    

The grass is green.翠绿的草.

The trees are tall.高高的树木.

In the beautiful beautiful park.在这美丽的公园里

I see a hill.我看到了一座小山.

I see a bridge.我看到一座小桥.

I see a lake.我看到一个小湖.

I see a beautiful park.我看到一个美丽的花园.

Flowers are red.花是红的.

Grass is green.草是绿色的.

Trees are tall,树是高高的.

I see a beautiful park.我看到一个美丽的花园.

There is a lake in the park.公园里有一个小湖.

hill 小山

lake 小湖





Listen and draw

Hill,I draw a hill.小山,我要画一座小山.

There's a green tree on the hill.小山上长着绿树.

Look,there is a big lake and a long bridge, 看,有一个大湖和一座长长的桥.

Oh,what beautiful red flowers,噢,多漂亮的红花儿.

Blue flowers and yellow flowers.蓝花和红花儿呀!


Let's talk.

What can you see in the picture?      你看到图片上有什么?    

I can see ducks and boats.   我看到了几只鸭子和几只船.           

bee 蜜蜂 

butterfly 蝴蝶

Let's act and say.

What do you see?你看到了什么?

I see a tree.我看到了一棵树.


Do and say.

How beautiful!好漂亮呀!

Let's take a picture.我们来拍张照吧.

Let's go boating.我们去划船吧.

Great!Let's go.太好了!走.

Look,there is a bird in the tree.看,树上有只鸟.

I can't see it.我看不见呀.

Stand on the bench.站到凳子上.



Find and talk                                    

Where is the dog?小狗在哪儿?

The dog is under the bridge.小狗在桥下面.

Where is the duck?鸭子在哪儿?

The duck is on the lake.鸭子在湖里.

Where is the bird?小鸟在哪儿?

The bird is in the grass.小鸟在草丛中.

Where is the boy?小男孩在哪儿?

The boy is behind the tree.小男孩在树后面.


Listen and cross or tick

Where is Lily?莉莉在哪儿?

Lily is on the bridge.莉莉在桥上.

There are two boats on the lake.湖里有两只船.

Where is the rabbit?兔子在哪儿?

It's in the grass.它在草地上.

Yao yao andJoy are under the tree. 瑶瑶和乔伊在树下.

The butterflies are in the grass.蝴蝶在草丛中.

The bees are on the flowers.蜜蜂在花朵上.


Fun Time

What a beautiful park!好漂亮的公园呀!

Let's play hide and seek.我们来玩捉迷藏吧.


Are you ready?准备好了吗?


You are behind the tree.你在树的后面.

Look!Bill is under the bridge.看!比尔在桥下面.     


Oh,Yaoyao is behind the boat!噢,瑶瑶在船后面!

Where is Lily?莉莉在哪儿呢?

Oh,there is a big buttlerfly.噢,有一只大蝴蝶.

Lucky!I'm not a butterfly!莱克!我不是蝴蝶!


Look!Lily is in the grass!看!莉莉在草丛里.


Think,stick and say.

Look,this is my dad.看这是我爸爸.

He is a policeman.他是一名警察.

This is my mom.这是我妈妈.

She is a doctor.她是一位医生.

Sing and act.

My mother is a teacher.我的妈妈是老师.


My grandpa is a bus driver.我的爷爷是司机.


My brother is a policeman.我的哥哥是警察.


My grandma is an engineer.我的奶奶是工程师.


My sister is a student.我的妹妹是学生.


My mother is a teacher.

Teach ,teach,teach.

My grandma is a bus driver.


My brother is a policeman.


My grandma is an engineer.


My sister is a student.



Let's play and say

Is Yaoyao pretty today?瑶瑶今天是不是很漂亮呀?

Yes,she is.是,很漂亮.

Listen and number.

He is tall.他个子高高的.

He has black hair.他有一头黑发.

He is wearing a green coat.他穿着一件绿色上衣.

She is pretty.她很漂亮.

She is wearing a pink skirt.她穿着一条粉红色裙子

She is thin.她很瘦.

She is big.她有点胖

She is wearing a purple skirt.她穿着一条紫色裙子

She has grey hair.她有一头灰发.

He is short.他个子矮.

He is wearing a yellow jacket.他穿着一件黄色夹克

He has all green hair.他有一头绿发.

He is tall.他个子高.

He has white hair.有一头白发.

He is wearing blue trousers.他穿着一条蓝裤子.


Listen,stick and talk

Where are the ducks?鸭子在哪儿?

They are on the lake.鸭子在湖面上.

Where is the frog?青蛙在哪儿?

It is in the lake.青蛙在湖里.

Where is the boat?船儿在哪里?

It is on the lake.船儿在湖上.

Where is the butterfly?蝴蝶在哪里?

It is in the flower.蝴蝶在花丛中.

Where is the bee?蜜蜂在哪里?

It is in the grass.蜜蜂在草丛中.

Where is the bird?鸟儿在哪里?

It is in the tree.鸟儿在树上.

Where is the cat?猫儿在哪里?

It is under the tree.猫儿在树下.

Where is the dog?小狗在哪儿?                

It is on the hill.小狗在小山上.

Listen and draw

The rabbit is in the grass.兔子在草丛中.

The butterfly is on the flower.蝴蝶在花朵上.

The tiger is on the hill.老虎在小山上.

The panda is on the bridge.熊猫在桥上.

The elephant is in the lake.大象在湖里.

The bird is on the tree.鸟儿在树上.


Think,stick and say

This is my family.这是我的家人.

I have a grandpa,a grandma,a father and a mother我有奶奶,爷爷,爸爸,妈

I have a sister,I aso have an aunt and an uncle.



Look,listen and number.

Let's go to the park.我们去公园吧.

What a beautiful park!好漂亮的公园呀!

There are trees,flowers and hill.有树,花和小山

There are boats on the lake.湖里有船儿.

There are some eggs in the grass.草地上有几个蛋.


Sorry,I'm not your mother.对不起,我不是你妈妈.

Look,your mother is under the bridge. 看,你的妈妈在桥下面.

Draw and say

There is a bridge in my park.我的公园里有一座桥.


Fun Time



Mary,this is my grandma.玛丽,这是我奶奶.


This is Jack,my brother.这是杰克,我的哥哥.

He is big.他长的很壮.

My mom and dad.这是我的爸爸和妈妈.

Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴.

Nice to meet you,too.

She is Linda,my sister.她是琳达,我的姐姐.

Oh!She is pretty!噢!她好漂亮呀!

And this is...那这位是...

My little brother.这位是我的弟弟.


Aaah... 啊...                         

Huh? 嗯?


Look,listen and chant

Stop and go on the busy street,

Van,taxi,car and bus.

Stop and go on the busy street.

Bicycle,taxi and subway,too.

Stop and go on the busy street.

We meet in the bus stop or subway station all.


See the car,see the van,你能看见小汽车,有篷货车

See the taxi for you.你可以看见出租车.

See the bus,see the bicycle.

See the subway too.你还可以看见地铁.

van 有篷货车

taxi 出租车

bicycle 自行车

subway 地铁

subway station 地铁站

bus stop 公共汽车站

traffic lights 交通灯

Let's trace and say.

This is a taxi.这是辆出租车.

This is a bicycle.这是辆自行车.

This is a subway.这是辆地铁.

This is a bus.这是辆公共汽车.

This is a van.这是辆有篷货车.


Look,listen and talk.

What do you see in the picture?在照片上你能看见什么?

The supermarket,the school,the park,the store,

the hospital and the zoo.我能看到超市,学校,公园, 书店,医院和动物园.

Where is the park?公园在哪儿?

It's next to the zoo.公园在动物园的旁边.

Where is the book store?书店在哪儿?

It's under the park.书店在公园的下面.

Where is the zoo?动物园在哪儿?

It's under the hospital.动物园在医院的下面.

Where is the school?学校在哪儿?

It's next to the hospital.学校在医院的旁边.

supermarket 超市

school 学校

book store 书店

hospital 医院

zoo 动物园

Let's play and say.

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

round and round,公共汽车的车轮转呀转,

The wheels on the bus go round and round,

all through Beijing,穿梭在北京城中,

The people on the bus get on and off,

on and off,on and off.车上的乘客有上有下,

The people on the bus get on and off,

all through Beijing.

Where are you going?

I'm going to the supermarket.

By taxi?

No,by bus.


Look,listen and say.


Where are you going?你要到哪里去呀?

I'm going to the hospital.我要去医院.

By bus?坐公共汽车去吗?

No,by subway.不,乘地铁去.

Excuse me,where is the subway station?打扰一下,请问地铁站在哪儿?

It is next to the bus stop.在公共汽车的旁边.

Bill!Don't play in the street!不能在街道上踢球.

Let's talk.

What do you see in the picture? 在图片上你能看到什么?

I see street,a park,a zoo,a school,a book store,

a supermarket in the picture.

What is there in the streets?街道上都有些什么呀?

There is a car,a bus,a bicycle in the streets.

What next the book store?书店旁边有什么?

There is a supermarket next the book store. 书店旁边有一家超市.

What colour is the bus?公共汽车是什么颜色?

It's yellow.是黄色的.

How many boys in the streets?街道上有几个男孩?

Three boys.有三个.

How many girls in the streets?街道上有几个女孩?

Four girls.四个.


Sing and act.

Red light,red light.红灯,红灯.


Yellow light,yellow light.黄灯.


Green light,green light.绿灯.


Red light,red light.


Yellow light,yellow light.


Green light,green light.


Look to the left,向左看,

look to the right,向右看,

Is there a taxi or a bus in sight. 看看是不是有公共汽车或出租车?

This is on the left,这辆在左边,

that is on the right,那辆在右边,

the way is clear we can cross the street. 道路畅通我们才可以穿过街道.

Look to the left,look to the right,

Is there a taxi or a bus in sight.

This is on the left,

that is on the right,

the way is clear we can cross the street.


Listen and find

Andy is going to the school.安迪要去学校.

He is going by bus.他要乘公共汽车去.

Lily and Yaoyao are going to the park. 李丽和瑶瑶要去公园,

They are going by taxi.他们要乘出租车去.

Bill and his father are going to the zoo. 比尔和他爸爸要去动物园,

They are going by bicycle.他们要骑自行车去.

Ted is going to the book store.特德要去书店.

He is going by van.他要乘有篷货车去.

Binbin is going to the hospital.彬彬要去医院.

He is going by car.他要乘小汽车去.

Joy is going to the supermarket.乔伊要去超市.

She is going by subway.她要乘地铁去.

Let's make a mural and talk.

I can see a taxi,a bus,a van,a bicycle in the


I can see a school,a park,a book store in the


There is a zoo next to the traffic lights. 交通灯旁边有一个动物园.

There is a supermarket next to the bus stop. 公共汽车站的旁边有一个超市.

The bus is red,the car is white. 这辆公共汽车是红色的,那辆小汽车是白色

I'm going to the zoo by bus.



Fun Time

Hi,Bill and Lily.嗨,比尔和李丽.

This is my friend,Elephant.这是我朋友,大象.


Where are you going?你要去哪儿呀?

I'm going to the zoo.我要去动物园.

Let's go together.我们一起去吧.


The traffic light is green.交通灯是绿色的.

Let's go!我们走!

Hurry.The light is yellow.快点.等是黄色的了.


Why are you stopping here?你为什么停在这儿?

Go! 走呀!


I've got an idea!我有主意了!



Look,listen and say

This is the Tiananmen Square.这是天安门广场.

It's big.它非常大.

This is the Great Wall..这是长城

It's great..它非常雄伟.

This is the Summer Palace.这是颐和园

It's beautiful.它非常漂亮

Tiananmen Square 天安门

the Great Wall 长城

the Summer Palace 颐和园

Let's sing


Look,listen and say

Where are you going?你要去哪儿呀?

I'm going to the Summer Palace.我要去颐和园.

Have you been to the Summer Palace.你去过颐和园吗?

Yes,I have.是的,我去过.

It's beautiful.它非常漂亮.


Look,listen and talk

Look!The Summer Palace!看!颐和园!

How beautiful!太漂亮了!

Have you been to the Great Wall?你去过长城吗?

Yes,I have.是的,我去过.

Where are you going?你要去哪儿呀?

I'm going to Beihai Park.我要去北海公园.

By taxi?坐出租车去?

No,by bus.不,坐公共汽车去.


Look,listen and chant

Welcome to Beijing.欢迎你到北京来.

Beijing Duck is delicious.北京烤鸭特别好吃.

Welcome to Beijing.欢迎你到北京来.

Beijing Opera is beautiful.京剧很好听.

Welcome to Beijing.欢迎你到北京来.

The Temple Fair is great.庙会非常棒.

Welcome to Beijing.欢迎你到北京来.

I like Beijing Duck.我喜欢吃北京烤鸭.

Me too.It's delicious!我也喜欢,非常好吃!


Listen and match.

I'm Andy.我是安迪.

I've been to Tiananmen Square.我去过天安门广场.

It's great.它非常大.

I'm Lily.我是莉莉.

I've been to Beijing zoo.我去过北京动物园.

It's nice.非常好玩.

I'm Bill.我是比尔.

I've been to the Summer Palace.我去过颐和园.

It's beautiful.非常美丽.

I'm Joy.我是乔伊.

I've been to the Great Wall.我去过长城.

It's great.非常雄伟.

I'm Binbin.我是彬彬.

I've been to the Temple of Heaven.我去过天坛.

It's great.非常棒.

I'm Yaoyao.我是瑶瑶.

I've been to the Beihai Park.我去过北海公园.

It's beautiful.非常漂亮.

Let's find out

Binbin,have you been to Tiananmen Square? 彬彬,你去过天安门广场吗?

Yes,I have.是的,我去过.


Fun Time

Welcome to Beijing!欢迎来到北京!


Tiananmen Square is so big.天安门广场可真大呀.

Let's take a picture.我们来拍张照片吧.

The Great Wall!长城!

Oh,it's great!哦,真雄伟!

I like the Summer Palace!我喜欢颐和园!

How beautiful!真漂亮!

I'm the Monkey King!我是猴王!

Me too.

I'm happy in Beijing!在北京我很开心!

Me too!我也是.

I'm hungry.我饿了.

Let's go and have Beijing Duck.我们去吃北京烤鸭



Look,listen and chant

Jingle bells,jingle bells.铃儿响叮当,铃儿响叮当

Santa Claus for you.圣诞老人给你的.

Jingle bells,jingle bells

Present is under a tree.礼物在树下.

Jingle bells,jingle bells

Cards and stocking and toys.贺卡,长袜和玩具.

Jingle bells,jingle bells

Merry Christmas girls and boys.

Jingle bells,jingle bells

Santa Claus is here.圣诞老人在这儿.

Present is in my stocking.礼物在我的长袜里.

Cards,stocking and tree.贺卡,长袜和树.

Jingle bells,jingle bells

Merry Christmas you see.圣诞快乐.

Santa Claus 圣诞老人

Christmas tree 圣诞树

stocking 长袜


present 礼物

Card 贺卡

Merry Christmas,Mom.圣诞快乐,妈妈.


Here is a present for you.这是给你的礼物.

Thank you.谢谢.


Look,listen and chant

Happy Spring Festival!春节快乐!

The same to you.你也一样.

Paper-cuts made for you.为你做的剪纸.

Dragon dance and lanterns too.还有舞龙和灯笼.

Happy Spring Festival!春节快乐!

The same to you.你也一样.

Paper-cuts made for you.你做的剪纸.

Dragon dance and lanterns too.

dragon dance 舞龙

papper-cuts 剪纸

lantern 灯笼

Let's make and say

Happy Spring Festival.春节快乐!

The same to you.你也一样.

Here is a paper-cut for you.这是送给你的剪纸.

Thank you.谢谢!


Listen and talk.

Hello!I'm Lisa.你好!我是利萨.

I'm in Toronto.我在多伦多.

Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!

I'm Leo.I'm in Sydney.我是利奥,我在悉尼.

Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!

Grandma and Grandpa,爷爷奶奶,

Happy Spring Festival!春节快乐!

You too!你也一样!

I'm happy in Beijing.我在北京过得很开心.

We are happy in Hong Kong.我们在香港过得很开心.

Listen and colour

Colour the tiger lantern brown. 把老虎灯笼涂成棕色.

Colour the rabbit lantern pink. 把小兔子灯笼涂成粉色.

Colour the monkey lantern yellow. 把猴子灯笼涂成黄色.

Colour the dog lantern black.把小狗灯笼涂成黑色.


Let's sing

We wish you a merry Christmas,

We wish you a merry Christmas,

We wish you a merry Christmas

and a happy New Year!

We wish you a merry Christmas,

We wish you a merry Christmas,

We wish you a merry Christmas,

and a happy New Year!

Merry Christmas,Christmas is here,

Merry Christmas,Merry Christmas,Happy New Year.

I love Christmas morning,I love Christmas night.

Happy new year everyone,when the snow is white.

Merry Christmas,Christmas is here,

Merry Christmas,Merry Christmas,Happy New Year.

I love Christmas morning,I love Christmas night.

Happy new year everyone,when the snow is white.

Merry Christmas to you,Merry Christmas to you.

Merry Christmas everyone and happy new year,too

]Merry Christmas to you,Merry Christmas to you.

Merry Christmas everyone and happy new year,too


Listen and tick

Merry Christmas,grandma.奶奶,祝你圣诞快乐.

I have a red lantern here.我这儿有一只红灯笼.

Jingle bells,jingle bells,铃儿响叮当,

Santa Claus is here.圣诞老人在这儿.

Here is a paper-cut for you.这是给你的剪纸.

Thank you.谢谢.

Let's make and say

Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!

You too!你也一样!

Here is a Christmas card for you.


Thank you!How nice!谢谢!真漂亮!

I'm glad you like it!很高兴你能喜欢!


Fun Time

It's Christmas today.今天是圣诞节.

Oh,look … 噢,看…

Monkey,merry Christmas!猴子,圣诞快乐!

Yoo too.你也一样.

Here is a present for you.这是送给你的礼物.

Thank you!谢谢!


Colour it blue.把它涂成蓝色的.

Bear,a present for you,too.小熊,也送给你个礼物.

Huh?Thank you!呃?谢谢你!

How funny!真有意思!

What is it?这是什么?



et's play

Where are going?你要去哪儿?

I'm going to Tiananmen Square.我要去天安门广场.

By bus?乘公共汽车去吗?

No,by subway.不,乘地铁去.


Stick and say

I've got a Santa Claus,我有一个圣诞老人,

I put it here.我把他放到这儿.

I've got a tree,我有一棵树,

I put the tree here.我把树放到这儿.

I've got the bells,我有几个铃儿,

I put the bells here.我把铃儿放到这儿.

I've got a stocking,我有一只长袜,

I put the stocking here.我把长袜放到这儿.

It's Christmas.今天是圣诞节.

Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!

Listen and make

I put the hat here.我把帽子放到这儿.

Then stick the body here.然后把身体插到这里.

I stick the two legs here.把两条腿插到这里.

Then put the arm here.然后把胳膊放到这儿.

I put the bag here.我把袋子放到这儿.

Look,It's a Santa Claus.看,这就是圣诞老人.

Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!

It's a present for you.这是给你的礼物.


Let's talk


Where are you going?你要去哪儿呀?

I'm going to the Summer Palace.我要去颐和园.

By bus?乘公共汽车去吗?


Let's take a taxi.我们坐出租车去吧.


Excuse me.打扰一下.

Where is the bus stop?公共汽车站在哪儿?

It is next to the subway station.在地铁旁边.

Have you been to the Great Wall?你去过长城吗?



Find and say

What do you see in picture 1? 在图片1中你能看到什么?

I can see a green bus.我看到一辆绿色的公共汽车.


Listen and cross or tick

Where are you going?你要去哪儿?

I'm going to the supermarket.我要去超市.

Where are you going?你要去哪儿?

I'm going to the zoo.我要去动物园.

Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!

Where are you going?你要去哪儿?

I'm going to the Summer Palace.我要去颐和园.

Where are you going?你要去哪儿?

I'm going to the Great Wall.我要去长城.

Happy Spring Festival! 春节快乐!


