
《风景园林》2024-01刊首语 | 郑曦:文化景观的特征

郑曦 风景园林杂志

全文刊登于《风景园林》2024年第1期 P8-9


Characteristics of Cultural Landscape





文化景观保护不仅是保护其自然特征,更是维护自然与文化之间的内在联系。这种保护工作必须深入了解这些景观中复杂的关系,超越单纯的维护。正如Gustavo Cordera所说,文化景观是自然与文化之间无形联系的可见表达。文化与自然领域之间无形的、复杂的联系超越了我们能看到的范围。当我们深入探究文化景观的复杂性,努力揭示这些超越可见的景观之美时,我们能更深刻地理解文化景观的特征,并制定适应性保护和管理策略,以促进我们与地球更智慧的、更可持续的共存。

As a semi-nomad in East Africa, the Maasai have established deep bonds with the vast savannah. In Maasai Mara across Kenya and Tanzania, the Maasai have ingeniously avoided land degradation caused by overgrazing by the means of rotational grazing, thus regenerating their pastureland, maintaining a sustainable balance and making the land more vibrant. The uniqueness of their traditional way of life lies not only in animal husbandry, but also in the protection of wildlife. The Maasai have formulated a symbiotic relationship with wildlife, respected its migratory habits and ensured that their cultures and practices do not infringe on the rich and diverse flora and fauna across the region. The land they inhabited is also home to such species as elephants and gnus. The Maasai’s wisdom on land management, sustainable agriculture and harmonious coexistence with wildlife has been passed down to the present day, crystallizing their intelligence in intimate interactions with the land over centuries and shaping a unique cultural landscape.

Agricultural landscape plays an important role in cultural landscapes. The Chinese terraces were formed when ancient ancestors delivered a shrewd utilization of mountain resources. The elaborate system of terraces demonstrates a symbiotic relationship between human and land, and the ingenious planning and farming techniques boosted the efficiency of land use in mountainous areas. As if carved on hillsides, these terraces are not just an engineering marvel; rather, they are a kind of intelligent utilization of the land and a testimony to the unique expression of Chinese agricultural culture. The well-arranged terrace landscapes incorporate the beauty of nature, creating a harmonious work for the interdependence between human and land.

As a treasure of the evolution of human civilization, cultural landscape is a wonderful work coined jointly by human and nature. Cultural landscapes around the globe are a product resulting in the long and complex process of interaction. From the primitive huntergatherer era to the modern urban civilization, the interactions between human beings and the environment have gradually delivered a variety of cultural landscapes, which record the development of human society and illustrate humans’ understanding and utilizing the natural environment. The characteristics of cultural landscape are not only witnesses of history, but also bear humans’ cognition and expression in terms of survival, faith and art, among others, while conveying people’s unique messages on their understanding of the world. 

Research into the characteristics of cultural landscape stemmed from the United Kingdom in the 1980s, when the society began to pay attention to how to comprehensively examine the landscape components in a specific region, so as to provide a scientific management framework and decision-making basis for future landscape changes. The particularity of cultural landscape entails a systematic assessment methodology to provide an in-depth understanding of various urban and rural landscape characteristics, in order to reveal the uniqueness of different regions. The United Kingdom takes the lead in assessing landscape characters and identifying historic landscape features, with an emphasis on spatial analysis, mapping, typology and expert guidance. In the year 2000, the European Landscape Convention defined landscape as “an area perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors.” This definition underscores that landscape is not only an existence in physical dimensions, but also a result of meanings endowed by individuals and societies; thus, it has contributed to the spread of landscape characteristics assessments.

The conservation of cultural landscape is not only to preserve its natural characteristics, but also to maintain the intrinsic linkage between nature and cultures. In order to implement such conservation efforts, it is necessary to delve deep into the complex relationships within such landscapes by going beyond mere maintenance. As stated by Gustavo Cordera, cultural landscapes are the visible expressions of the invisible bonds between nature and culture. The invisible and complex connections between cultures and the natural realm transcend what we can spot.

When we make deep exploration into the complexity of cultural landscape and strive to uncover the beauty of such landscapes beyond the visibility, we may gain a deeper comprehension of the characteristics of cultural landscape and can develop adaptive conservation and management strategies, so as to boost a more sustainable and intelligent coexistence between humans and the Earth.


Editor-in-Chief: ZHENG Xi


January 5, 2024



微信编辑 刘芝若

微信校对 王一兰

审核 曹娟







