
《风景园林》2023-07刊首语 | 胡一可:景观智能化规划与设计

胡一可 风景园林杂志

全文刊登于《风景园林》2023年第7期 P8-9


Landscape Intelligent Planning and Design




With the improvement in living standards, as well as changes in demands for urban space planning and design and advancements in corresponding technical means, the future of the landscape architecture industry needs to follow the approach of technological innovation and sustainability by putting forward landscape solutions and improving the quality of life around social, environmental and other issues. Intelligentization is the process from “manual” to “automatic” and then to “autonomous”. In the support of IoT, big data, Internet, AI and other technology, landscape planning and design have gradually acquired such characteristics as sensitive perception, accurate judgment, adaptive learning and effective implementation; in other words, landscape planning, design and management gradually become intelligent. By deploying intelligent digital technology in landscape planning, design and management, new needs can be met and intelligent scenarios can be created, that is the so called intelligent landscape. 

 “Accurate and scientific” orientation is the motive of intelligent landscape planning and design, and the development of information technology makes it possible to realize intelligent landscapes. Traditional planning and design rely on the experience of designers and the collaboration among design groups, resulting in long project delivery periods. However, urbanization has deepened the contradictions between human and nature; therefore, planning and design entail increasingly refined project data collection, more comprehensive design analytics, and more elaborate collaboration. IoT weaves an intelligent network that can connect various things, information technologies, and planning and design sections. Thanks to these progresses, massive data can be collected and analyzed for landscape planning and design, changes can be perceived in real time, strategies can be adjusted flexibly and scientifically. As a result, the efficient flow of people, logistics, energy and information is guaranteed; the overall responsiveness of managers is enhanced; the construction of mobile, intelligent and interconnected infrastructure as well as industry collaboration is promoted; and barriers between various “silos” are broken down. Thus, an effective way is provided for implementing intellect landscapes. Driven by data, intellect landscapes can digitize, network and visualize landscape projects. By virtue of IoT technology, dynamically changing and mutually connected network environments for “people and things” and “things and things” can be built up in intelligent landscapes, so as to analyze the received data or information and make decisions. The integration of information space and physical space allows for efficient interaction between landscape and human. The application scenarios of intelligent digital technology would not only focus on interactive landscapes and art installations, but would also promote the transformation of urban structures to the direction of serving the efficient and convenient life. Intelligent landscape planning and design are affecting all aspects of urban landscapes’ construction, transformation and management. 

In the future, in order to deliver sustainable intelligent landscapes, the nature and mechanism of natural ecosystems should be fully referenced and integrated into the design of landscapes, so as to achieve a high degree of convergence between nature, human and machines. This will become an integral part of intelligent landscape planning and design in the future. In addition, intelligent landscapes should be endowed with visionary design concepts, giving full consideration to the development trend of modern technology and the needs of human, while paying attention to scientificity and interactivity. In this context, it is necessary for experts and scholars to actively utilize the technical strength of various professions, so as to explore intelligent landscape planning and design on multiple levels and boost the development of intelligent landscapes.


Acquiring editor of the current issue: HU Yike


June 25, 2023



微信编辑 刘芝若

微信校对 王一兰

审核 曹娟







