
英语(苏教版)五年级下册:Unit 5





Story time

New words

Sound time & Song time & Cartoon time



Unit 5 Story time① It is Saturday morning. My father is cleaning the car. I am helping him. My mother is cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Helen is in the living room. She is sweeping the floor. Where is Tim? What is he doing now? Tim is in his bedroom. He is sleeping.Ben the dog is sleeping too.这是星期六早晨。我爸爸正在擦车。我正在帮助他。我妈妈正在厨房里做早饭。海伦在客厅里。她正在扫地。蒂姆在哪里?他现在正在做什么?蒂姆在他的卧室里。他正在睡觉。(小)狗本也正在睡觉。② In the afternoon, my cousin Jim comes. What are we doing now? My mother is busy. She is cooking dinner. Helen and I are helping her. Helen is washing the dishes. I am cleaning the table.下午,我表弟吉姆来了。我们现在正在做什么?我妈妈很忙。她正在做晚饭。海伦和我正在帮助她。海伦正在洗碗。我正在擦桌子。③ What are Tim and Jim doing? They are eating fruit in the living room.蒂姆和吉姆正在做什么?他们正在客厅里吃水果。We\\\\'re watching TV too!我们也正在看电视!Woof!汪!
Wordsclean the car 洗车clean the table 擦桌子make the bed 铺床sweep the floor 拖地
wash clothes 洗衣wash the dishes 洗盘子
Sound timeIng
bring  带来morning  早上sing  唱歌spring  春天
In the morning, I like to sing 在早上,我喜欢唱歌。And watch the flowers growing. 和看花儿成长。In the evening, I like to sit 在晚上,我喜欢坐着And listen to the wind blowing.和听风吹拂。
Song timePolly, put the kettle on波莉,烧壶水Polly, put the kettle on. Polly, put the kettle on.波莉,烧壶水。波莉,烧壶水。Polly, put the kettle on. We\\\\'ll all have tea.波莉,烧壶水。我们都将喝茶。Susie, take it off again.Susie, take it off again.苏茜,再把它拿下来。苏茜,再把它拿下来。Susie, take it off again. They\\\\'ve all gone away.苏茜,再把它拿下来。他们已经都离开了。
Cartoon time①Bobby grows grapes in his garden.博比在他的果园里种葡萄。My grapes are big and sweet.我的葡萄又大又甜。②There are some pests on the grapes.葡萄上有一些害虫。What are you doing here?你们正在这里做什么?We\\\\'re eating your grapes. They\\\\' re so sweet!我们正在吃你的葡萄。它们多么甜啊!③Then, some ladybirds come.后来,一些瓢虫来了。We can help you!我们能帮助你!Thank you!谢谢你们!④The pests go away, but the ladybirds do not.害虫离开了,但是瓢虫没有。What are you doing?你们正在做什么?We\\\\'re eating your grapes. They\\\\' re so sweet!我们正在吃你的葡萄。它们多么甜啊!


